haha, that's trueAdorable. Though it seems like it will be a long time until it catches up to the anime and then the novel, personally can't wait for volume 5 to be adapted.
Yes, far beyondhaha, that's true
I quite enjoyed the anime, so I am a bit bitter-sweet reading the manga because then I know how the story is going to be, up to that point (in the anime)
I will still read this, though
because I like the more detailed and warming-vibe art in this manga
so, is the novel still going beyond what is in the anime?
Agreed, anime was quite good, though the English translation is at volume 5, but Japanese novels are at 8 volumes with a couple of .5 volumes so so around 10 novels. You can check on https://bookwalker.jp if you wanthaha, that's true
I quite enjoyed the anime, so I am a bit bitter-sweet reading the manga because then I know how the story is going to be, up to that point (in the anime)
I will still read this, though
because I like the more detailed and warming-vibe art in this manga
so, is the novel still going beyond what is in the anime?
it's a really short story. managed to finish the LN without much effort because I couldn't wait for the manga or the anime.Adorable. Though it seems like it will be a long time until it catches up to the anime and then the novel, personally can't wait for volume 5 to be adapted.
Yeah, I enjoyed it though short as it is, read a decent amount of the wn as well, but found that the story structure to not flow as much.it's a really short story. managed to finish the LN without much effort because I couldn't wait for the manga or the anime.