Parallel Paradise - Vol. 4 Ch. 30 - Time and Tide

Sep 4, 2019
I am from Mexico.
The prehispanic cultures did, in fact, have writing systems and ways to mantain records. Just to be clear haha.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 29, 2020
Illiteracy of the entire population is just a dumb fucking plot point. 20 years is more than enough to master and pass on basic writing and reading skills at the very least.
Mar 27, 2020
I feel like the author must be deeply uneducated, as he isn't aware that several of the ancient South American Cultures had writing systems, advanced mathematics, architecture and astronomy to name a few technologies.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 3, 2018
If she'd been born in Japan, she'd be one of those giant-tittied-honor-student-in-glasses characters.

Not with that deadened femininity hairstyle, she wouldn't.
Dec 20, 2018
So, what if the dolphin is the god he's looking for, using a different name?
If no one else is doing measurements, and no one can read, how did she figure out a 20 year cycle by herself in less than 10 years?
Fed-Kun's army
Oct 6, 2019
Y'all realise that the narrator is the MC right? He's not a reliable narrator, and he has an ego problem to boot. Don't take his 'facts' at face value, he often doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 29, 2020
GOD those juggs. Harem member. Now.
Threesome with Tia.
@spandxltd we agree, we're just calling him out on his bullshit. Whenever you take the time to write a story, you should always take the appropriate time to research the information you're going to meddle with.
Yes and no. It's the same problem as commenters mistaking fiction for reality.
You're confusing character for author.

Example. I, Spanish, can tell you we have 2 versions of "you": tu/usted, casual and formal respectively. And I can also tell you that in some countries in South America use "usted" way more liberally, almost exclusively.
I, ME, the author, know that. But I can perfectly write a character, who only ever took a course of Spanish (South American), and have him say "Yes, in Spanish 'you' is 'usted'". It's just the character being ignorant.
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 30, 2020
@Tatherwood Ultimately Yes because the information is still wrong. You might say I should focus only on the character, but I'm willing to bet that this is also because of the writer's laziness. Just how it is.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 29, 2020
@Phelix Or I could say "ultimately no", cause I doubt you messaged the author to ask them if that particular narration line was AUTHOR getting facts wrong or CHARACTER talking about something he doesn't fully understand.
Even if I were to say I agree with you, I believe you should dial it down a bit and go for "author prolly was lazy and didn't fact check". Which, as I said, I may agree with, this author doesn't seem too good, so it seems something likely to happen. But it's still just a possibility; there's the other possibility: the character being wrong, simple as that.

I mean, the argument is kind of moronic. "Yes because the informaton is still wrong". By that logic, no book or movie EVER can have a character EVER saying something wrong, cause boy, it's wrong information.
If it's not an educational work, it's up to the reader to gauge whether what they're reading is true or not. A character may be lying, or may be wrong. Dude, do you remember being a teenager? Saying something trying to impress a girl? You were probably wrong with what you said, but if it made you sound smart, you went for it. You can create such a character, and he will be wrong. Doesn't mean the author did or did not research.
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 30, 2020
Or I could say "ultimately no"

You could, but, like the author, you'd be just as wrong. Because this

cause I doubt you messaged the author to ask them if that particular narration line was AUTHOR getting facts wrong or CHARACTER talking about something he doesn't fully understand.

Does nothing to change the original point of argument: Written Text Before Christopher Columbus Discovery of America.

I don't need to have a sit down with the author, I just need to watch his work. And his work, the world that we're peering into, does not jiive well with your Devil's Advocate. The most ingenuity we see from these characters until MUCH later, or at least to right now, is a girl using a stick and rope to measure the tides. There is no written system, hell, there isn't even a number system. So not only is the main character saying one thing that is wrong (Oh btw, the reason I'm not assuming the character is lying is because a fair amount of the explanation is taking place in his head-so dishonesty can be scratched off the list) but the world he inhabits is proving him and this incorrect information as right...that's two for one, and the second is completely up to the author.

There's a multitude of reasons for why this scenario could work in other books, movies, and other forms of media. But, that being said, everything is relative and those reasons are absent in this story. Oh sure, there could be a complicated back story all of this, and there more than likely is is looking into future chapters. Yet even then, I'm a herald for Ockams Razor. What's more likely, both the main characters exposition and this world's reality reaching the exacy same conclusion that is incorrect when compared to our reality because there's just this hidden cog tinkering away behind the scenes and dictating the fates...or the author not taking an extra five minutes to do research on Google.

That's my Ted talk.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 9, 2019
Wow. I didn't expect to find heated debates about history and linguistic in a comments section of this manga. You guys are impressive!
Active member
Apr 14, 2019
@Quaesitio good question lol
Worse yet, they are merely 3 days away from a city with a big fucking library, and no one thought it would be nice to share the knowledge of writing, specially in a society where people live so little, they should need a good system to pass things along, like writing.
But hell, it's kinda manga or better yet, hentai logic, I just don't get why authors bother much. Although there is always the "it will make sense in the future" thing
Dex-chan lover
Jan 10, 2023
Wow, the world-building here is getting thicker. There's Genius' information actually being outdated, and the town's information retention being a reflection of the girls' short lifespans.

Youta is sensible enough to not have seggs like a mindless maniac too. This seggs-buffet trope is getting philosophical with how he's looking into it right now.

The God of Jealousy is dead, but the girls' lifespans are still as short as ever. The collar still exists and the Kall are ever-apparent, just like the local deities. Wtf is really happening? Idk so lesgo

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