Player - Ch. 58

Double-page supporter
Jan 30, 2023
Bibian, a name that would look somewhat like this in Korean 비밴 (just to clarify that I am not Korean nor fluent in korean, I know very basic rudiementary stuff since I took a class in middle school). Now the letter ㅂ represents the sound of B or P which if you decide to pronounce it Pipian, would make it so that Bibian might be named after a Mexican dish, Pipián (imagine a Mexican type curry), somewhat similar to Mole however there is not chocolate in Pipián. If you ever get the chance to try it I would highly suggest doing so since it’s very good. I only wanted to mention this since a previous guy in this series was named Mezcal and it way appear that there’s a pattern of characters named after Mexican food/drink, though very good chance it’s all in my head.

Edit: Now thinking about it her real name would likely be Vivian, and seeing how Korean doesn’t have a letter for V they used ㅂ which then turned to Bibian when translating.

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