please help me to find me the title of tha manga.

Jun 18, 2024
the manga is a bout someone who reincarnated as dragon in a nother world, and this baby dragon seems to be helped by a girl in a noble family. Unfotunately, this girl is apparently getting harassed by all her maids, her family despised her ever since they adopted another girl. It seems the girl who was brought to be adopted apparently a reincarnator who have ability to brainwash someone in her favor. eventually, when the girl who helped the dragon got captured and going to be executed, the baby draogn try to help her although he was failed and getting killed, In the end, the dragon evolve to a big dragon and lost his insanity, and regain his sense by the help of the girl who helped him before from chapter 1. And at the end of the story, in order to fool anyone the dragon make a play so like the dragon will left from the city and getting accused, and not the girl who helped him before. because she was getting executed for being a witch. a priest with a muscle that helped the dragon reveal the truth that the girl who was brought by the family apparently kill her parents in order to be adopted by the rich duke/maquis family. she get punishment and died. While every single one of people of the town and the family feels extremely sorrow, guilt and regret because they accused the girl who helped the dragon, over some girl (the girl who murdered her parents and adopted to a family) every single one try to contact and apologize for all their actions. the girl who helped the dragon hide in the church thanks to the help of the muscle priest. the girl who helped the dragon meet with her fiance and the family saying she will be a pilgrim who will be wandering over the world and herby dismiised herself from a noble lady to nun. (the dragon was small and the color was black, the girl who helped was blonde). Please do help me by give me the title name.

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