Tretia(m) Maria(m) defico et
illeus vita(m) et me( n )tem
et memoriam [e]t iocine-
ra pulmones interm{x}ix{i}-
ta fata cogitata memor-
iam sci no( n ) possitt loqui
(quae) sicreta si( n )t neque SIṆITA
MEṚE possit neque ̣
[ ̣ ̣ ̣] C̣Ḷ ṾDO
"I curse Tretia Maria and her life and mind and memory and liver and lungs mixed up together, and her words, thoughts, and memory; thus may she be unable to speak what things are concealed, nor be able … nor … ."
(Curse tablet found in London 1934; in the British Museum, museum number 1934,1105.1)