@Gameruru The magic circles in the air. Also, a field of people chanting would sound like that scene from Lord of the Rings where Peter Jackson had a stadium full of footballer fans stomping and chanting! 😂😂😂
Either way, I hope that the brother somehow lives as his brother and ancestor proceeds to summon his lvl 10 spell to scorch the Earth with their annihilated souls! 😂😂😂😂
Oh, damn... The LOOK won't bring back the brother, but the brother's ghost is gonna be hilarious! 😂😂😂 WTF‽ BRO! YOU COULD USE LVL 10 MAGIC!? YOU LIED!!!! >_<
Blarg. Yeah, he'd have saved him quite possibly had he done so. I i agine that lvl 6 magic for him was quite blockable/dodgeble.
Hmm… Is this an example of Cloud drowning Aerith? 😂😭😂😭
@Mhelbert Well, compared to the traditional drawing and quartering or other execution methods, his level 10 nuke spell would be pretty humane. Likewise, everyone on that field who stayed there committed high treason, which again, typically has a death sentence associated. Most of these types of cultures makes it blood guilt, which means that they seize all lands & titles, and kill 3 generations of people. I feel like smoting the battlefield by comparison is rather tame.
@AdamaGeist in answer to what I presume was a rhetorical question, but nevertheless, I'm gonna attempt answering—the MC was the 4th most powerful magic caster in the world. He fought the demon King and would have had to have been able to block spells far more powerful than this. A level 6 spell for him is on the higher scale of what a regular mage can cast. Remember, he can si for cast a level 10 spell. EX is one grade more powerful. If so done who can single cast (currently) a lvl 10 lightning spell who fought a demon king were up against the spell casting of one of his students, would he be able to block the spell, if spell blocking was possible?
It is reasonable to conclude that if barrier spells exist in this world, he'd have mastered the defensive abilities (lightning would seemingly be related). He was prevented from interfering with the attack by 1. Plot, and 2. The physical grappling of the headmaster/commander.
Likewise, we don't know if the kids is actually dead (we don't know if the MC has healing magic either). Either way, I wouldn't want to be the traitors in this particular case, as Daddy is about to get one fuggly surprise. 😂😭😂😭