Read First questions

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Aug 7, 2019
ok what is meant by "User comment history (private/public)". If a comment history is made private can't this simply be bypassed by using the planned forum search by searching for the user id? Or will the forum search not include searching by user id.

In the advanced search in the text fields will there be the ability to put restraints on the text. For example right now mahou brings back titles with mahou and mahouka. Will it be possible to bring back just mahou only?

in Forums, what to you mean by "Live Update of Comments"?
Active member
Feb 13, 2021
Good question on the first.

On the second, likely so that if you sit in forums, they update automatically without you having to reload/refresh the page - makes me wonder why there isn't a sort of IM chat added to here...
Then again, they have a Discord mostly frequented by pretty toxic people so...
Aug 7, 2019
says the guy who uses super small fonts. Besides what can you expect from a default bro.

The answer given in the link you provided, provides a link to another thread. If you follow that link the answer states they want to provide author / artist pages, which would seem like it might have bio or other info too. Artist/author pages sounds like it could conceivably be it's own search similar to users and groups, not necessarily the advanced search page. If so that does not necessarily mean it will extend to the title field. I'm just looking to narrow down the number of titles returned when I use the advanced search.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 17, 2019
Don't talk back to me, young man! Even if I am wrong!

Maybe I was misapplying the 'exact search' term to titles from misremembrance. But now that I think about it, an exact search feature for titles doesn't sound all that useful.
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