Technically you could make a machine learning program to do it for you.
But if you're Human like me, just open up google translate(Phone App for OCR), Yandex Translate(Website), Microsoft Translate(Phone App) and Pleco(Thanks to the person who suggested this, it's an app).
The translation sites/apps will take the image and translate the text into English. Your job is to make sense of it. Use all of them (or at least two) to cross-reference for accuracy.
If an Idiom comes up, find its English meaning unless its already well known.
If its illegible, paste the Chinese characters into Pleco, which will tell you what each word means. Decipher what the sentence should be.
Make sure to correct the grammar as you go along and proofread later.
Use Gimp, paint or paint 3D (Or similar) to clean (Remove Chinese text) and then rewrite (Insert translated text).
If you are to do this, I ask that you refrain doing so for this Manhua. Instead fine another comic that's been dropped so that I am able to continue releasing for this one.
I'm not the best, but I'm improving non quality. I think...