i'm personally pretty sure the mc was actually fond of her anyways,
what a shame, now he's just disillusioned with it and suppressing even further all of his innocent desires and humanity,
man, putting aside her looks, i agree that she really was interesting , and showed proper but human flaws and some genuine heart too, along with having a fairly strong and clever character.
I really hope this eventually brings them closer rather than further apart, she might be able to properly save him someday from himself too.
I like him being insane but not like an irredeemable and inhuman insane, I'd rather it not be that he totally loses himself, him being kinda cute is pretty interesting too after all.
But i'm sure the struggle to there will be interesting as well
I'm curious about the reason for her charm though, hopefully it's nothing too weird lol ( a charm would be a total no no after all, if i wasn't already so onboard with them and trusting their relationship)
and yeah regardless of her intentions it was definitely helping fight his apathy and what is probably some horrifying unchecked depression, and now it's leaving his violent tendencies totally uncontrolled.
he's gonna become a villain at this rate if he doesn't calm down somehow.
also just realized she's also got the makings of a great villain, hope it doesn't come to that.