Having actually re-read this a view days back. I have to say it was honestly better than I remember it the first time around, probably because one misses less when binge-reading it within the span of three days. Also, by knowing what's to come one can observe better just how planned the story actually was and how many innocent-looking lines and panels were actually foreshadowing. Many of the characters that would later come to be featured are actually in the background of earlier chapters in the relationships they're later featured in:
I also when first reading overlooked many of Kusari's lines which hint at many things. The ending still felt like it was probably cancelled and that entire thing about the dolls being in a “catalog” at the start and purchaseable feels strange when it was revealed at the end they were designed not as a product but as a successor species meant to inherit the culture of a dying mankind.
Also, I actually wasn't all that invested in the Sartain–Kusari relationship the first time around, probably because their scenes together are really far spaced apart when reading a single chapter every month, but I actually cared for it a lot more re-reading it and their scenes together are really sweet despite of how twisted and eerie the latter is:
I actually didn't much care for him as a love interest during the first read and felt he was mostly just a plot device but I've really come to like how sweet yet eerie he constantly acts,