Correct! Finally! Love is a choice, so it's completely subjective, not objective! It may not always be a conscious or voluntary choice, but it is a choice nonetheless.
Correct! Finally! Love is a choice, so it's completely subjective, not objective! It may not always be a conscious or voluntary choice, but it is a choice nonetheless.
It is! Because once you're aware of it, you can change it. The body make choices for the mind all the time, but the mind can only change them once it's aware. Like breathing. The body decides to breathe on it's own, but an aware mind can change that (at least temporarily).
Also, it may not always be voluntary, but you can consciously choose to love someone, even if you don't immediately feel that way.
Love is one of those tricky things when it comes to choice. You can affect it, but it's not entirely controllable. And it differs a lot between people.
To me that means changing it (or not) is the choice, not before you've done it voluntarily.
Love is one of those tricky things when it comes to choice. You can affect it, but it's not entirely controllable. And it differs a lot between people.