S Rank Boukensha de Aru Ore no Musume-tachi wa Juudo no Father Con de Shita - Vol. 6 Ch. 29 - No Holds Barred Fight

Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
this was explained in the first part of the story, he never got to rank S, the only people who know him were his fellow disciples and their masters who they learned under
why rank S, I didn't write that? nobody knows he trained with the Sage, although everyone knows her name but not her disciple?
and i didn't know quitting as adventurer to take care of three infants you found after their hometown razed to the ground with no other survivor is a wasting time and a coward move
again, I didn't write that! I mean this ~4 years in this village, he could search for traces why the Dragon was there (WN had a reason?), or where the Legendary (dangerous) Dragon is?
Dex-chan lover
Jun 3, 2018
why rank S, I didn't write that?...
he's explaining why kaiser aren't more well known despite given title sage and swordmaster, in the end, kaiser quit as rank A, with most of adventurers turn 180 from praising him to mock him, in chapter 1 its portrayed most praising kaiser just to lick his boots, when he's failed kill the S rank dragon they got the opportunity to express their jealousy on him, even if the guild remembers, the other random adventurers won't
...nobody knows he trained with the Sage, although everyone knows her name but not her disciple?
it could be the sage never told anyone she's having kaiser as disciple as she's only famous for not taking disciple she's not interested in training
again, I didn't write that! I mean this ~4 years in this village, he could search for traces why the Dragon was there (WN had a reason?), or where the Legendary (dangerous) Dragon is?
even if you're didn't write those, with how you replied, intended or not, it makes you heavily imply to that conclusion, if you mean 4 years after the time the trio goes to the capital and not the 4 years timeskip to their departure, its already 18 years since he quit, and the village its implied it doesn't have a guild branch there, so keeping tabs on the dragon would be harder, also meryl go back once a week, so he can't really do an expedition alone to find out where the dragon goes after rampaging, also in chapter 1 its kinda implied the place his A rank quest are, are also nest of the S rank dragon, so the dragon are just there, and its not legendary dragon, its just unnamed S rank dragon, its just no one knows its there before it goes on rampage and wipe out the trio's hometown

i didn't read the WN but you shouldn't either, since adaptation works like this usually follows the LN version, WN is more like draft before submitted to editor, while LN would be the official version, while sometimes WN and LN only have slight difference, some other time the difference would be visible, like something are added or revised or story arcs were rearranged
Dex-chan lover
Mar 16, 2020
why rank S, I didn't write that? nobody knows he trained with the Sage, although everyone knows her name but not her disciple?

again, I didn't write that! I mean this ~4 years in this village, he could search for traces why the Dragon was there (WN had a reason?), or where the Legendary (dangerous) Dragon is?
his rank determined his level of fame, he was just like any other rank A in the capital, tons of them were there already
they also explained the not her disciple part a while back during the teacher duel
The other teacher couldn't believe that he was a student and its not that uncommon for famous people to be hiding their protege, from the setting it didn't seem like the sage was around that much anyway and flaunting him around
i dunno i didn't read the WN, The man was pre-occupied raising children, he also had trauma from adventuring if you could see where the author was going with it since his over confidence killed the village
Dex-chan lover
Sep 26, 2018
I wouldn't call her a musclehead--I'd call her a bloodthirsty berserker. I also think it's far too soon to declare this stronk female actually superior to Kaiser in those terms or any for that matter, given the the ending and the fact that she's the type to bark up the wrong tree (she knows Kaiser is stronger--by her own words, she wouldn't listen to him if he wasn't--but is doing everything stupid she can think of to make him put her down in a lethal fight).

That aside, her actions appear tactically (strategic value is the actual matter of importance here) sound to you because none of them failed (and thus were tactically sound for what she wanted to do at the time) or evoked the very justifiable repercussions they should have--and every single last one of her major actions had at least one major repercussion that could have at best seen her thrown in prison, and at worst simply killed/executed. She has the fighting power of at least a small battle group--and all that she did could amount to a raid by a hostile foreign state actor, beginning with her multiple instances of unlawful entry and trespassing. Strategically garbage, and--as I said--should have gotten her killed. She thought of none of these things, and is not the type to.

That said and despite her begging for the alternative through her actions, she is alive, and will remain so: this is the gentle treatment afforded to Regina by the writer himself; like I said, female characters like her rarely get what they actually deserve--even worse, this vicious behavior of Regina's is as much a plot device as she is.

Speaking of plot devices, this talk of Kaiser and Regina's names indicating their certain future romantic union is unfounded. The fact that their names have such meanings could very easily be a red herring meant to generate assumptions in the wrong direction.
Her actions were tactically a success because, and re-read the chapters if you need to, she WASNT CAUGHT. if you infiltrate a place and don't get caught, and leave no evidence that connects to you, then you can't be arrested. a blood thirsty berserker wouldn't have the stealth skills necessary to pull that off. the only time shes been proactively publicly threatening was when she finally challenged kaiser after gathering her intel. If she actually meant to cause ANY harm to anyone they would be dead by now. I mean hell, the magic kid was found sleeping peacefully despite regina having snuck into her lab!
Sep 9, 2019
I liked to see how a loathsome character, for once, gets the treatment she deserves by readers. What never fails to happen, however--and what naturally gets my attention--is that of course, there will be those defending that loathsome character in a conspicuously contemptuous manner.

I, for one, hoped that Kaiser would kill her--the opportunity for on sight is gone, and I know that he won't (he already stated his desire to interrogate her, and most Japanese authors are sissies who love aggressive, masculine females anyway), but it's nice to imagine it. That said, it's all this Regina character deserves: without an iota of thought, she executes multiple terroristic actions all to lure Kaiser out and "get the rust off his blade". Never mind how she could have seriously wounded or even killed Elsa (since she's so committed to only fighting for realsies~), or how that surprise attack of hers that went through a building could have nixed everyone in it in that attack's path (since, of course, in the middle of a populated city neighborhood is the only place for that sort of thing in her mind).

In fact, the first would have been a good enough reason: a sword isn't the toy she says wooden swords are but sees her own highly functional one as. Once one is drawn--and Regina just loves this fact--you can reasonably expect someone to be maimed or killed. If I were in Kaiser's shoes, and loved those girls as much as he is depicted as loving them, there would be no room for explanation; no room for justification, no room for forgiveness, no room for rationalization, no room for ifs, ands, or buts--there would be no reason for her not to die.

And why not? Regina is clearly a loose cannon with a highly dangerous combination of negative characteristics: she's both profoundly bloodthirsty and profoundly stupid and/or foolish (i.e., has no second-order thinking ability). Japanese authors like girls like her, though--since before Love Hina. It didn't escape my notice, by the way, that while Elsa squarely got the beats put to her, Meryl (in her 20s if I recall correctly, but looks only a hairsbreadth from 10) drove her off without a scratch.
Holy crap, I'd forgotten about the horror story of Love Hina. So much abuse, and the ML will get treated like that his entire life, should have gone with samurai girl, or any of the others... Couldn't finish that story, and it's looking like I won't be finishing this one also if it's like the spoilers say. I did enjoy the story before this mad chick showed up though. Oh well.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 26, 2018
Holy crap, I'd forgotten about the horror story of Love Hina. So much abuse, and the ML will get treated like that his entire life, should have gone with samurai girl, or any of the others... Couldn't finish that story, and it's looking like I won't be finishing this one also if it's like the spoilers say. I did enjoy the story before this mad chick showed up though. Oh well.
Reminds me of how in Love HIna, by the end, even the shy Shinobu got into hitting bath trespassers with a frying pan.
i can't, i just can't, do you even parenting? are you grew up being manhandled a lot? "parents needs to be stronger than kids" are you serious? that's basically domination not parenting, wisdom are more important than strength in parenting, in which up until this chapter regina haven't show any, i really hope you're still teen, and if not, please tell me you're trolling, i've seen enough parents lament why their kids are shitty when they themself just let their kids do whatever without any guidance or manhandle their kids all the time, so yeah i'm sorry but no matter what sentences you threw at me, if you keep that mindset you'll never convince me why regina is suitable mom for the trio
even if we're following your logic regina still unfit to became the trio's mom, since she's only have physical strength but no mental or magical strength to have any "authority" on other children beside elsa, because she's not intelligent enough to compete with anna, if she's half as intelligent as anna she won't think its tactically sound to destroy part of the city which is a capital city where the country ruler, the queen reside, or attacking elsa the guard captain whose currently double as the princess bodyguard or breaching the royal magic academy to attack meryl and ultimately just to draw out kaiser, nor she's magically strong enough to compare to meryl, as meryl completely unscathed from fighting her, she's only stronger than elsa and nothing else, if anything the queen are better choice for the trio's mom, as she implied she'll be with the princess more if works doesn't hold her back, meaning at least she still have caring attitude, while regina doesn't, regina only sees the trio as a means to an end

either i'm to dense to saw that or you're just too horny so you're seeing sexual subtext there, since to me after what regina does there i can only see kaiser sarcastically flatter her, and after kaiser close his eyes and said "...it's called growing up" i can only see kaiser fed up with regina's antic there

if you still wants to defend your kaiser x regina because regina its just strong, no need to do that, i made up my mind, my experience won't let me agree with your logic, maybe in your case you're getting beaten up by your parents and you're became wiser, but to me that kind of case are exception not the norm, so let's just agree we're not going to convince each other
The way I see it, this manga caters to the audience of middle-aged men, so MC is unlikely to end up with somebody like Regina. It's way more likely that he'll either get with somebody actually mature, or with one of his daughters or disciples.
Dex-chan lover
May 14, 2018
Her actions were tactically a success because, and re-read the chapters if you need to, she WASNT CAUGHT. if you infiltrate a place and don't get caught, and leave no evidence that connects to you, then you can't be arrested. a blood thirsty berserker wouldn't have the stealth skills necessary to pull that off. the only time shes been proactively publicly threatening was when she finally challenged kaiser after gathering her intel. If she actually meant to cause ANY harm to anyone they would be dead by now. I mean hell, the magic kid was found sleeping peacefully despite regina having snuck into her lab!
Magic kid was fine because she outclassed Regina. When Kaiser found her, she said she had fought off the intruder. Likely through unorthodox means, given that she's physically weaker and has the type of eccentric personality that suits that sort of outside-the-box combat.
She was sleeping peacfully after that, which can again be mostly chalked up to her carefree personality allowing her to doze off immediately after someone attacked her (and the subsequent explosions that occurred during the battle).
Feb 3, 2018
Her actions were tactically a success because, and re-read the chapters if you need to, she WASNT CAUGHT. if you infiltrate a place and don't get caught, and leave no evidence that connects to you, then you can't be arrested. a blood thirsty berserker wouldn't have the stealth skills necessary to pull that off. the only time shes been proactively publicly threatening was when she finally challenged kaiser after gathering her intel. If she actually meant to cause ANY harm to anyone they would be dead by now. I mean hell, the magic kid was found sleeping peacefully despite regina having snuck into her lab!
Her actions appeared, indeed, tactically sound. I insist on that wording because while she was in fact successful at what she wanted to do, the strategic value of her actions was less than zero--unless you mean to tell me her goal was actually either death by Kaiser or execution by the state whose territory and people she attacked. Either could have happened; either should have happened, which is why I said what I did: neither of those two things happened or will happen because of the author's grace--Regina was about as stealthy as a rampaging sow in a room full of glassware; that she wasn't found or seen by anyone (in a city full of people with detection ability, not to mention those with the highest) is strictly a product of the author's grace.

What's more, her sneak attack on Kaiser--as someone has already noted--should have put some bodies on her blade. If not, then it could only be--once again--by the author's grace. The way she did it, she clearly didn't care whether or not she splattered a civilian or two in the way; it would be an amazing feat for her to launch a building-destroying attack from concealment like that (that afforded no one's prior awareness) without having done so. Or do you mean to tell me that, somehow, there was no one in that building (assuming it was just one) she struck and its surroundings? Her goal, in addition, was not to avoid being caught--it was to lure Kaiser out, ostensibly to return him to his old state. The problem is that she should have been killed either before she achieved her goal or during the attempt, given all that she did--and she did one hell of a lot.

Tactics are a subset of strategy--where strategy focuses on long-term planning toward an overall goal, tactics are more short-term and focused on narrower planning toward individual successes, with those successes for the purpose of achieving that overall goal. Regina, like many--if not all--of the hot-headed battle-axes before her, has no second-order thinking capability: she doesn't think ahead, she doesn't think of the consequences of her actions, and she really doesn't need to--because authors like this one will cover for her. There is a market for masculine women like her, after all. Because she lacks such thinking capability, she can form tactics to get what she wants in the moment, but she cannot and will not form a strategy to make sure that what she gets doesn't get her something else she doesn't want (e.g., death by the state, precluding the author's grace) or that it's something she actually wants in the first place (e.g., not death by Kaiser absent the author's grace).

Holy crap, I'd forgotten about the horror story of Love Hina. So much abuse, and the ML will get treated like that his entire life, should have gone with samurai girl, or any of the others... Couldn't finish that story, and it's looking like I won't be finishing this one also if it's like the spoilers say. I did enjoy the story before this mad chick showed up though. Oh well.
It's a story element that has existed for many years, and still exists to this day--its essence does, anyway. Just take a look at all the effeminate male MCs that get bullied by female leads that are more masculine than they are.

As for what you said last, someone in the previous chapters gave me a mild spoiler regarding that. I don't think you'll mind reading it, however:

The spoilers are wrong: Regina is not the female lead.
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Dex-chan lover
Jan 9, 2023
She is an actual selfish inferiority complex bitch, mc said it nicely

You shoud try it
Dex-chan lover
Jun 24, 2019
tldr blah blah blah power ups
at least it's not cliche stuff like attacking his daughter, make them hostage just to make mc "remember" his path. and of course those hostility was "fake"
Dex-chan lover
Nov 18, 2018
The manga was already trashy but this new girl really makes it worse. Maybe she'll get some redemption? :pepela:

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