Ah, this dumb "Humans are naturally weak"-bs again.
A man can still strangle, wrestle, punch, kick, etc. again
Also he can out-endure due to our ability to sweat
@panzerkampfwagyu but its true the only humans are weak in raw strength, indeed sweating makes human have good stamina endurance and regeneration perhaps even the best in animalia kingdom. But in most fight we rely on burst damage. So yea human are weak counting out intelligence of course
@panzerkampfwagyu Go ahead. Try and strangle, wrestle, punch, or kick a wild boar. I'd tell you to report back with your findings, but there wouldn't be enough of you left to fit in a bucket after that bout of stupidity.
Compared to what many animals are capable of, humans are weak and incredibly so, which is why we compensate with tools. And outlasting an enemy has little benefit when the thing can run twice as fast as you can on a much sturdier frame.
Out endure a 90+ kilo hog able to rush you down at 45+ km/h with tusks as big as your arm. Hogs main predators are TIGERS.
Even if you get it in an arm bar, it aint choking. We have no claws, fangs, or horns - but honestly no self respecting human would fight without a club/spear/rock. Our hands are better weapons than fangs and claws any day with just a simple stick or stone.
Of course, fighting that hog that looked to be over 2 kilotons is just a joke.
I guess that's his next thing to work on? Food? Sounds nice, we need more A G R I C U L T U R E manga anyway. Also, the name, "gim", is probably the korean word for seaweed, which is often eaten with rice.
Well, look on the bright side. we had a chapter about middle-age food being bad that didn’t end with the enlightened isekai MC bestowing onto the uneducated masses the gift of soy sauce and rice and mayonnaise.
Ulmander best girl.
I was afraid with the first chapter she whould be the typical annoying tsundere until the end, but it's not the case here, thanks god.
@kurohanani Going by the rear shots of her on page 14, it has a circular opening in the back which slides over her tail and become the main point of support at the base of it. Then the two hip plates wrap around and are tied together in the front to keep it from coming loose and sliding back off the tail.
Besides what was said about humans strenght points, there is our ability of complex comunication, with comunication we are able to coordinate with others.
Also, I'm really curious on how he is going to solve the food issue.