According to wikipedia this was quite the influential work. Don't know why though, I suppose it was innovative or fitting for it's time ? Didn't leave too much of an impression on me, then again I didn't try to read too much into it.
@Reader01 Tsuge is a prominent mangaka in gekiga which was a movement for more adult oriented manga dealing with socio-economic issue when most manga was mainly for children. It might not mean much to you, Im assuming 15-30 Westerner in 2019. But for Japanese adults suffering during the rebuilding era after the war, this dream-like sequence depicting harsh problems people went through, many could easily identify with it.
@sssr I uploaded a scan done by one person. Someone else uploaded a scan of the same magazine someone else did. The 3rd upload seems to be scanlation of the original Japanese right-to-left.
Dreamlike and surreal and I wish I had a better grasp on it, more context, more understanding. As is, I feel a little lost and sad... so that's a mood, if nothing else.