You're using insult, dogma, and misrepresentation.
Yui's contact with Chitose wasn't “all sexually touchy feelie”; for example, he could plausibly have touched a sister in just the same way as he touched Chitose in this chapter. And
nothing in this story indicates that Chitose has felt bullied or coerced by Yui, so he has
not engaged in
sexual harassment.
Further, wadding everything together into “whatever the fuck” doesn't legitimize making the claims of marriage for what aren't marriages. There are a wide variety of relationships, and the claim
to another person that one has is different depending upon the relationship. In the range running from someone in whom one has mutual interest up to to engagement, there are many different sorts of relationship, and none of these carries the the claims
to another person that come from marrriage.
Neither Chitose nor Kinosuke has claimed to have the sort of relationship with the other that would make Yui's pursuing Chitose a violation of Kinosuke's claims to Yui. Kinosuke's
only argument has been that Yui isn't serious; that argument is indepedent of whether Chitose is already in a relationship with anyone, and is based on a mistaken perception by Kinosuke (because Yui
is serious).
It is exactly because Chitose hasn't put up boundaries of various sorts that so many readers are unhappy with this story. But the absence of those boundaries means that Yui hasn't been crossing such boundaries.