Mugthraka Ainar 4 months ago
Iirc int eh Novel, they explained that to try to Help the Climat change, before trying to Terraform Mars, they released Nanomachines in the Earth's atmosphere
Those nanites tho could'nt do much about the environement and Earth became toxic.
But they stayed in earth atmosphere, and for some reasons that i forgot, they allow for the use of the Matrix's/Ingame Powers to work in the real world.
So Kang use it to his advantage.
I'm sure the whole deal was orcastrated by the Trahnet guys, in the Novel( going from memory here) they are a bunch of Conglomerate and Corporations Bosses and managers, that whe the Matrix was set up got privileges since it is their companies that made the thing
And they abused those privileges to Roleplay as "Dimensional Lords" and also use the nanites, so that once they got out of the Matrix, they would be able to use those power or something, and thats why they are after the Codes, so that it can give them free and unrestrained acces to the real world.
Now once again i'm ,going frop memory here at is at been a couple of years since i last read it...