Shen Yi Di Nu

Group Leader
Mar 10, 2019
Oh. What a mass release this was. Well done Hell's Gate. Good job.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 7, 2018
@EaterOfBooks IMO, it's simple. They can't let go of their high sense of pride, since they don't want to lose nor submit to her.
Group Leader
Mar 23, 2018

The way I understand it is that the 9th prince is both too powerful to ignore yet at the same time, not worth bothering about too much.

As a prince, but not the Crown Prince, he's just another one of the royals who has (some) power but not absolute power. The various cliques don't want to offend him but they also need to pick a prince to support since they want to be in the good graces of the future Emperor. Since he is (as far as they know) disabled, there's no chance of him becoming the Emperor. Thus, they need to pick one of the other princes.

As for the villains:

- stepmom was just a total idiot. Even her own daughter thought she was a liability and left her to die alone.
- stepsister literally thinks she's destined to be the next Empress because of the prophecy. She thinks all she needs to do is marry the prince they think will become the crown prince. She's beautiful and spoiled since everyone says she's the most beautiful girl in the country. Hence, she appeared in the party all dressed up, thinking all she needed to do was look pretty and everything would fall into place for her.
- baldie already lost almost everything, lol. At this point, she's totally ruined, therefore whatever she does in the future doesn't matter as much to her now. She might even think that it's better to die than marry that soldier.
- father... well, this one is tough. He's caught between a rock and a hard place. His beautiful daughter is the "prophesied Empress" (or so he thinks) but his smart daughter hates him. At this point, he probably thinks it's already too late to reconcile with her since her mother already divorced him. He doesn't have a lot of options now. If he tried to reconcile with MC, she might leave him alone but probably not, lol.
Aggregator gang
Mar 11, 2019

Stepsister is the one that really puzzles me - wouldn't the protag getting married to a prince (and being on good terms with her) give her even more chances to meet and charm the other princes and fulfill the prophecy? Same goes for the father - even if 9th is crippled, having a daughter marry him and being on good terms with that couple should give him a leg up in what he's trying to do.

Additionally, the protag marrying 9th is actually a really safe bet from the father's perspective: since he's crippled and can't become the emperor (and everyone knows it), he's not going to get caught up in the succession struggle, and should retain his power no matter which other prince becomes emperor. But that benefit only exists if the father's on good terms with the protag. (And he seems to be making every possible effort to get on her bad side.)

I guess the big thing that rubs me the wrong way about this series is just how irrational the villains' motivations are by this point. Having one-dimensional villains that exist to get their clocks cleaned works in an action series, but it just doesn't work in a courtly intrigue series, because these people are playing the game of thrones so badly they should have died by now.
Group Leader
Mar 23, 2018
@EaterOfBooks Well, it's not super explained but I would assume that in the background all the princes have formed their own cliques and the 9th is... well, it's not out in the open but I'm sure the others can guess that he's not a supporter of the prince that the stepsister's family is supporting. Basically, the father and stepsis both threw in their lot with one prince who is enemies with the 9th.

I can't remember which chapter it was but the 9th said he could support any of the princes, except the one her family is currently supporting, lol. The 9th is keeping himself "neutral" except for that the 3rd (is it the 3rd or a different one? the one the stepsis is marrying).

-he's not going to get caught up in the succession struggle and should retain his power no matter which other prince becomes emperor.

I believe you're wrong because the 9th is absolutely caught up in the struggle. We only see the MC family's scenes but I'm sure that a fight for the throne is brewing. If the 3rd wins, then I don't doubt that he will move against the 9th even if he's crippled.

- having a daughter marry him and being on good terms with that couple should give him a leg up in what he's trying to do

If the 3rd wins the fight for the throne then a daughter marrying into the losing side is a liability. I'm not saying the father is doing the smart thing but he does have his reasons.

As for stepsis, she's beautiful, not smart. Let's say stepsis quits being a bitch. Do you really think MC would leave her alone to live happily? I don't think so, lol. MC would go find stepsis and make trouble for her, IMO.
Dec 20, 2018
@EaterOfBooks The thing is the series started with the villains trying to physically get rid of the original owner of the MC's body. In fact, they succeeded and the original owner died making way for the MC to take over the body when she died in our world. Now, that the newer smarter MC has come back, the villains find themselves in the the position of "riding the tiger". Basically, if Chenyu wasn't so stupid and hated the MC so much, Chenyu would realize that she can't go back. Chenyu's position is such that she has to keep pursuing this course as she already made enemies out of the MC. To back out and try to make friends at this point is way too late. I mean, it is kinda too late to be friends after plotting to take over the MC's position as eldest daughter and the first assassination attempt.
It would be funny to see though. "I'm sorry for taking your family position, stealing your family's money and possessions, and trying to have you killed. No hard feelings, it wasn't personal. tee hee~" XD
Mar 7, 2019
Ah i love strong heroines, and it reminds me of some of my favorite manga! Keep updating frequently please! :)
Mar 30, 2018
Motherfuckers you're seriously fueling my procrastination by releasing so many huge batches
Jun 24, 2018
Actually, if you recall, at the very start of the series the 9th Prince is the favorite for becoming the official heir to the throne.

His last task before being confirmed was kicking the snot out of one of the neighboring kingdoms that was rebelling, which he did so.

Unfortunately, he was injured in the aftermath, and apparently crippled. Once it became clear he was crippled, and, by assumption, incapable of having kids, the Emperor couldn't make him the Heir anymore.

Rambling on the series put behind spoilers, for plot discussion for folks who haven't caught up yet.
Turns out later that in a VERY INTERESTING TURN OF EVENTS the archers who ambushed and shot him happened to be using arrows from one of the other regions, but the 3rd Prince also happens to have a unit of elite archers in the area. Naturally, everyone accepts this is purely a coincidence.

Basically, it turns out that the Emperor's favorite son is 9th Prince, due to his being the son of his favorite concubine (as in, said concubine has enough influence that the Emperor pretty much listens to her no matter what. The example they use is that if she says a man is bad, he'll be dismissed on her word alone and if she says to keep a man in power, he'll be kept even if he's actively rebelling). Also turns out the 7th prince is one of the 9th's closest allies (7th Prince's mother died early and he was basically adopted by the same concubine). 7th is officially neutral, though. I believe no one expects him to make a try for the Imperial Throne both because he has no interest in it and because since his mother is dead, he doesn't have any active supporters at court/in the harem beyond the 9th's mother. Which is major, mind you, but not enough for an imperial bid.

As for the princes...
The 1st Prince doesn't have any interest in the throne at all (he's a business man first, and until Aheng gets involved, also secretly infertile so he knows not to bother).

3rd Prince is the one who's setting up a potential coup, but between Aheng screwing with the Feng Family (Feng Jinyuan, the patriarch of the family and a high ranking minister, is one of the 3rd prince's supporters) and the Emperor and 9th working against him, he's been checked a few times so far.

5th Prince is a complete womanizer.

7th is, as mentioned, not bothering for the throne but works with 9th from time to time.

Anyways, the other problem the Feng family has is that Aheng's kinda pissed off at the original owner of her body being exiled and thrown to the wolves by her father along with her mother and little brother. Since she survived when she wasn't supposed to, they're stuck with her being a massive pain in the ass. She's also a major embarrassment to Feng Jinyuan, since he kinda upset a fair amount of custom by going 'oh, no, this other concubine is my main wife now'. He has an 'oh SHIT' moment later on when he realizes the Emperor isn't completely displeased with the Yao family (Aheng's maternal family) since the original incident that lead to the banishment of Aheng and her mother from the Feng household was a Yao doctor failing to treat one of the consorts, but as Aheng points out to him, if the Emperor was TRULY displeased instead of just annoyed, he'd have had said doctor KILLED instead of exiled.

Hasn't come back up yet, but I suspect in the future the Yao family's going to play a bigger part. Probably when the Chen family shows back up.

Point is, Feng Jinyuan's swapping of wives around is noticeable enough that even street kids sing songs making fun of him for it, and until he solves that, the 3rd Prince can't afford to marry Chenyu (both because of the loss of face and because it makes it suspicious that Chenyu is the one with a phoenix fate).

Aheng's also sneaky enough to be turning the family against each other while setting things up for quietly yanking herself and her 3rd sister out of the Feng Family. Helps that by the current point in the story, both the Emperor, the Consort (I can't remember her title. 9th's Mom) and, to a lesser extent, the Queen all decide they like her, to the point that the Emperor formally grants her request to have Aheng's mother divorced from Feng Jinyuan AFTER putting out a decree that Aheng is the Feng Family's main daughter, which is another slap in the face to him.

Also, I'll be at least a little bit fair to Minister Feng.

He might not be a good person or anything, but from the point of view of Game of Politics, he actually has a half-decent reason to be trying to deal with Aheng. One of the main reasons he ended up swapping sides to the 3rd Prince is he was originally one of the Ninth Prince's supporters. When 9th was injured and lost his shot (currently) at being the Imperial Heir, Minister Feng started worrying that his family was in trouble since they no longer had a major backer. IE, the whole bit with the Prince Dingan's household, where the consort and her daughter are perfectly willing to humiliate the current Main Daughter Chenyu in public due to being annoyed at Aheng. If he had a more powerful backer at the time, they would...well, probably have done it anyways, since they aren't the most temperate people, but in general most people would hesitate to mess with his family. The need to swap backers also makes Aheng extremely inconvenient, since she's the fiancee of the 9th Prince. I mean, it's a bad idea and shows he is not that trustworthy, but you can see at least one semi-reasonable (by his point of view) reason to get rid of Aheng beyond 'mwahhahahahhaah i have an evil mustachio'.
Group Leader
Jan 28, 2018
The art for this series has really gone down the drain.

From this:



To literally Voldemort:


Active member
Jan 4, 2019
Where the fuck did the friends in chapter 53 come from? We've never seen them before but they're apparently her besties? The pacing in this was always a bit wonky but it feels like its falling into the same lazy novel adaption pitfalls of randomly including characters that havent appeared in the manga or squeezing too much into a few pages.
Apr 20, 2018
Kinda wished she used her medical knowledge more often instead of having so much family political drama
Active member
Jan 23, 2018
Finally got around to reading this adaptation. Already, some of the naming is a bit odd (probably difference in interpretation of names/titles by this TL compared to the novel TL'er) but looks good so far. Certainly better than the official translation at least.

As an avid reader of the novel, i'll be happy to explain anything that people are curious about regarding parts of the story as well as spoiling things if commentors so request. Just ping me with an @ so i notice

Edit: Upon further reading, this isnt a great adaptation as anywhere near serious. It is, however, a great adaptation of the story as an exaggerated comedy version.
Double-page supporter
Jan 17, 2018
If I think of how many coupons I spent on mangatoon precisely for this manga and I find out only now that I could read it for free without unnecessary cuts.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 16, 2019
Opens newly updated feed:
"Hmm looks nice"
'Content : Sexual Violence'

K, gotta bookmark this

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