Shigoto o Yameta node Nido to Kicha Dame to Iwareta Inaka ni Kaette kitara Dekkai Onnanoko no Kai ni Mechamecha ni sareru Hanashi Zenpen - Oneshot

Group Leader
Jan 7, 2023
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Translation: scav
Editing: crimsonraes
Raws: Scumbini

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Translated English Title (Romanji+English too long to fit EH): A Story About Me Quitting My Job And Going Back To The Hometown I Was Told To Never Return To Where I Get Super Fucked Up By A Mysterious Huge Lady: Part 1

More Chomoran big-lady-goodness!!!

(Paraphrased from Danbooru) In case you don't know, Hasshaku-sama (八尺様, lit. "Ms. Eight-feet-tall") comes from a 2ch story posted in the Occult Board. It tells a tale about an incredibly tall woman who stalks then kills/rapes her young victims after they see her face. "Po, po, po..." is her signature laugh. Sounds similar to the Slender Man, huh?

Once again, this is a full SFX-and-other-stuff translation. Many, many thanks to the translator, scav, for once again putting up with my bullshit. Chomoran teases a sequel to this work, along with some "other series", so I may force him to translate those as well. Sorry (not sorry!) scav!

Also once again, the textless version is up on the galleries as well. That one has almost all JP removed so if you want to use it but not translate all the SFX, just paste the raw pages and mask out the missing SFX.

Oh, and merry Christmas! We were aiming for a Christmastime release!

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