Shin no Nakama janai to Yuusha no Party wo Oidasareta node, Henkyou de Slow Life suru Koto ni shimashita - Vol. 10 Ch. 52

Dex-chan lover
Mar 14, 2019
If im not mistaken Danan was being copied by some demon (?)
Is it the real him or that Impostor ?
Dex-chan lover
Feb 2, 2019
Wow, the cat went out of the bag a lot sooner than I thought! Pretty exciting.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 18, 2018
Honestly I'm surprised how far I'm out of the story. Can't seem to remember half of the characters. I couldn't remember that battlemonk guy nor him losing an arm nor a demon-doppleganger replacing him nor that bandage guy or why he can sniff out hero-sis. Not even that black haired lady at the end. (I do remember a thick elf girl though, who was so pissed at MC being disposed of, she left the party on the spot.)

There is also not much buzz here in the comments, which might indicate a harsh decline in interest in this story, which would be a shame, as it isn't too shabby. (Maybe because I'm not the only one with the above mentioned problem.)

Can somebody give a short heads up, who all these people are again? And some of the major plot points (for example why that guy lost his arm and why that other guy is in bandage.)

eventhough I won't claim all of it to be correct.

Gideon was born with a blessing, that gave him a static +30lvl boost from young age on, making him a force to recon with. The down side was, that that was all. His growth is next to a normal person, but without any other edges those people might have. Because of his overwhelming power at young age, he had a stellar career as knight captain.

The world's powers to be (in charge for blessings, gods or whatever, we never saw them) positioned him as guard, mentor and helper for his little sister, who received the blessing of a "Hero". That blessings purpose is to kill the demonlord, even if it has to force its bearer with painful compulsion into doing so. Gideon's sister is a peaceful, timid girl and was easily scared. Quite the bad matchup. That blessing became her curse.

Other blessings include things like knight, scout, sage or battlemonk or such. Some of the stronger ones are useful for the subjugation of the demon lord. These people are gathered by mankind to form a party and are highly evaluated. They help the Hero in his or her quest. The hero HAS to work with them, whether she likes it or not as she is forced to by her blessing.

Gideon naturally protected his sister and trained her as well as possible. He also gave her comfort in that harsh reality created by her blessing, not even he could help her to escape from. He also acted as a guide and became a multitalent, also trained all of the hero companions they got and managed the hero parties internal and external affairs. He was awesome at that. But at some point the companions and his sister outgrow him in battlepower.

The sage of the group is an especally mean piece of shit, who strifes to revive his fallen noble house. For this he became part of the party and tried to win over the hero. Of course the protective brother was a nuisance. And the hero didn't like him either, but she loves her big brother. But in the end the hero couldn't activly throw the sage out, as the blessing didn't allow it. (All for the mission.) The party rotted from the inside, the sage bullied/booted Gideon out and forced the hero along the way, as the blessing judged her brother now less important than the sage. She had to follow the group instead of looking for her brother. Needless to say things went downhill from there.

Gideon himself actively hid and began a new life as the alchemist/adveturer Red. His now-girlfriend (a former ally to the party and warrior princess) found him and seduced him. Good for him. Too bad for another former companion, an elf girl, who obviously also had the hots for him.

Stuff happended! Stuff with the party! Stuff I can't remember, because those fools haven't been much of interest for me and these intermissions must have been too few and too far inbetween. I liked to read about MC's slowlife more anyways. Now that they are back and start to mess with MC's new happiness, I get pissed at them. But I also don't know, who they are anymore.

So, I would like to have a short summery of ...
  • who the fuck that fightermonk is and about his doppelganger
  • who the f... that bandaid, mummy guy is, that can sniff out hero-girl
  • who that blackhaired chick is, who listened in...was she alone?...was or wasn't there someone else with her, while she was listening....I sware, those characters existances are so thin, I forgot about them eventhough I just read the chapter.

Also about some major evens, like ...
  • how battledude lost his arm
  • mummy-freak got hurt
  • sage's dick falling off
but foremost:
  • whats the current status of the heroparty and
  • how come hero isn't part of the heroparty anymore and instead travels the world with assassins-creed-girl
That was alot. Thank you for reading.

EDIT: I went back and reread chapter 7. That helped a lot to recall these characters. Assassin girl was already part of the party back then.
Also, the doppelganger demon was the same?, that ate Lid's teacher back in her homecountry and stirred a lot of trouble in her BG-Story in chapter 4, I guess?
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Dex-chan lover
Aug 28, 2018
If im not mistaken Danan was being copied by some demon (?)
Is it the real him or that Impostor ?
that demon was the one who cut off his arm, this danan has one arm, it's the real one
Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
I feel you so much on this, I really had to rake teh brain reading this chapter, most of your questions I myself can't remember lol....

I thought one of the male hero party members flung a chick off a cliff to her death but that maybe a different series lol
Dex-chan lover
Mar 16, 2020
Honestly I'm surprised how far I'm out of the story. Can't seem to remember half of the characters. I couldn't remember that battlemonk guy nor him losing an arm nor a demon-doppleganger replacing him nor that bandage guy or why he can sniff out hero-sis. Not even that black haired lady at the end. (I do remember a thick elf girl though, who was so pissed at MC being disposed of, she left the party on the spot.)

There is also not much buzz here in the comments, which might indicate a harsh decline in interest in this story, which would be a shame, as it isn't too shabby. (Maybe because I'm not the only one with the above mentioned problem.)

Can somebody give a short heads up, who all these people are again? And some of the major plot points (for example why that guy lost his arm and why that other guy is in bandage.)

eventhough I won't claim all of it to be correct.

Gideon was born with a blessing, that gave him a static +30lvl boost from young age on, making him a force to recon with. The down side was, that that was all. His growth is next to a normal person, but without any other edges those people might have. Because of his overwhelming power at young age, he had a stellar career as knight captain.

The world's powers to be (in charge for blessings, gods or whatever, we never saw them) positioned him as guard, mentor and helper for his little sister, who received the blessing of a "Hero". That blessings purpose is to kill the demonlord, even if it has to force its bearer with painful compulsion into doing so. Gideon's sister is a peaceful, timid girl and was easily scared. Quite the bad matchup. That blessing became her curse.

Other blessings include things like knight, scout, sage or battlemonk or such. Some of the stronger ones are useful for the subjugation of the demon lord. These people are gathered by mankind to form a party and are highly evaluated. They help the Hero in his or her quest. The hero HAS to work with them, whether she likes it or not as she is forced to by her blessing.

Gideon naturally protected his sister and trained her as well as possible. He also gave her comfort in that harsh reality created by her blessing, not even he could help her to escape from. He also acted as a guide and became a multitalent, also trained all of the hero companions they got and managed the hero parties internal and external affairs. He was awesome at that. But at some point the companions and his sister outgrow him in battlepower.

The sage of the group is an especally mean piece of shit, who strifes to revive his fallen noble house. For this he became part of the party and tried to win over the hero. Of course the protective brother was a nuisance. And the hero didn't like him either, but she loves her big brother. But in the end the hero couldn't activly throw the sage out, as the blessing didn't allow it. (All for the mission.) The party rotted from the inside, the sage bullied/booted Gideon out and forced the hero along the way, as the blessing judged her brother now less important than the sage. She had to follow the group instead of looking for her brother. Needless to say things went downhill from there.

Gideon himself actively hid and began a new life as the alchemist/adveturer Red. His now-girlfriend (a former ally to the party and warrior princess) found him and seduced him. Good for him. Too bad for another former companion, an elf girl, who obviously also had the hots for him.

Stuff happended! Stuff with the party! Stuff I can't remember, because those fools haven't been much of interest for me and these intermissions must have been too few and too far inbetween. I liked to read about MC's slowlife more anyways. Now that they are back and start to mess with MC's new happiness, I get pissed at them. But I also don't know, who they are anymore.

So, I would like to have a short summery of ...
  • who the fuck that fightermonk is and about his doppelganger
  • who the f... that bandaid, mummy guy is, that can sniff out hero-girl
  • who that blackhaired chick is, who listened in...was she alone?...was or wasn't there someone else with her, while she was listening....I sware, those characters existances are so thin, I forgot about them eventhough I just read the chapter.

Also about some major evens, like ...
  • how battledude lost his arm
  • mummy-freak got hurt
  • sage's dick falling off
but foremost:
  • whats the current status of the heroparty and
  • how come hero isn't part of the heroparty anymore and instead travels the world with assassins-creed-girl
That was alot. Thank you for reading.

EDIT: I went back and reread chapter 7. That helped a lot to recall these characters. Assassin girl was already part of the party back then.
Also, the doppelganger demon was the same?, that ate Lid's teacher back in her homecountry and stirred a lot of trouble in her BG-Story in chapter 4, I guess?
  • Danan (fighter) is one of the hero party, he left to search for Gideon/Red but then got beaten and lost his arm to the doppelganger demon.
  • Albel (mummy) is the ex-warrior of Zoltan, the main antagonist of the previous arc that got beaten by Gideon/Red and then flee with a demon (different demon, not the doppelganger one). When fleeing, they met the hero party then tells them about Demon's Blessing.
  • Paladin (black-haired girl, forgot her name) and Albel eavesdrop Danan and Gideon/Red's conversation about Ruti's problem.
  • After finding out that Demon's Blessing could weaken God's Protection, Ruti (hero) decides to left the party to search for her Onii-chan, accompanied by Tisse (assassin).
  • The hero party is basically disbanded because Ruti doesn't care about saving the world anymore, but Paladin and Ares still tries to pull her back in, so they search for her with the help of Albel.
That's all.
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Active member
Jan 13, 2023
  • Danan (fighter) is one of the hero party, he left to search for Gideon/Red but then got beaten and lost his arm to the doppelganger demon.
  • Albel (mummy) is the ex-warrior of Zoltan, the main antagonist of the previous arc that got beaten by Gideon/Red and then flee with a demon (different demon, not the doppelganger one). When fleeing, they met the hero party then tells them about Demon's Blessing.
  • Paladin (black-haired, forgot her name) and Albel leavesdrop Danan and Gideon/Red's conversation about Ruti's problem.
  • After finding out that Demon's Blessing could weaken God's Protection, Ruti (hero) decides to left the party to search for her Onii-chan, accompanied by Tisse (assassin).
  • The hero party is basically disbanded because Ruti doesn't care about saving the world anymore, but Paladin and Ares still tries to pull her back in, so they search for her with the help of Albel.
That's all.
thanks for the recap
Oct 15, 2020
I am here patiently waiting for manga to catch up anime 🤣
The anime is so sweet, tho the content is more detailed in manga. I don't recall crusader girl eavesdrop in anime but later on
She got baited to join on doplegangger demon plan
Dex-chan lover
Aug 16, 2020
I haven't watched the anime. Is it a good adaptation?
I totally forgot it had one, tbh.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 24, 2020
I think this is closing on where the anime had ended on like maybe in 5 chapters or so. I'm excited to read the new parts.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 27, 2018
It's unfortunate, but Danan was absolutely right that Gideon needs to do what he can to protect the place he's in if he cares about it that much. It's all well and good to say "I'd rather do something else" but that doesn't make any real world problems go away. In this case, his path of ignoring the demons just leads to "first they came for...". It's not "fair", but life isn't fair; it never was and never will be. You have to deal with reality regardless.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 10, 2020
I think this is closing on where the anime had ended on like maybe in 5 chapters or so. I'm excited to read the new parts.
it is, this chapter was Episode 11 of 13, its a shame that the manga is coming out at a glacial pace compared to the anime, and I really don't have the attention span to read the LN 🥴
Aggregator gang
Jan 6, 2020
There is also not much buzz here in the comments, which might indicate a harsh decline in interest in this story, which would be a shame, as it isn't too shabby. (Maybe because I'm not the only one with the above mentioned problem.)
The reason this doesn't have many comments, is because they only got implemented on January 8 of 2023.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 9, 2023
Bruh the manga still hasn't caught up to the anime, I guess it's gonna be a long wait till that happens

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