The first arcs flow was so good: Tatsuhiko getting brought into the company - figuring out how they work - meeting Yuka - getting into a confrontation via Yuka - meeting higher ups and seeing the top of the business - conflict with Harem and betrayal of Seki.
This one has felt far more lax. A comedic but still sad way Tatsuhiko went homeless, this branches into him meeting the guys on his level and creating friendships and rivalries, then learning that Burst is having problems due to the last arc causing internal strife and thus starting a scout battle. It's an awesome way to explore the lower level guys now that we understand the higher ups and the business somewhat but it feels far less tight and instead far more loose, fun, and comedic. So I'm curious if this is building up to something, maybe all of those seeds that were planted will unite as this arc continues for a climax or something.
Thanks for the chapters by the way, this is one of my favorite manga I've ever read so I'm very grateful!