Solo Bug Player - Ch. 23

Dex-chan lover
Aug 18, 2018
@katanon: As I understood it the new *smiley* guy forced a peace agreement onto MC, to stop him from taking his cake. -> Peace

I know he did it to start an invasion himself, so to start a new war, (which would be worse, than what MC would have done to them). Yet still, he stopped the current one, which is a "good" thing.

And with "Who knows, what happens next?", I meant, that for some circumstances, that new guy suddenly might not be able to invade himself. So there is a (very small) chance of no bloodshed taking place at all. For example: He hindered MC to invade. If MC finds a way, to also hinder Smiley McSmile to invade and aims for a hostile (yet still more human) economic takeover (like he threatened to do before), MC would pay that bastard back. (Welp, to a certain degree, that is.) Point is, there is a (small) chance, that the citizens of evil invader land aren't invaded, raped and slaughtered themselves, which would actually be a morally good thing.

Smiles McGee did effectively a "good" thing, from a moral standpoint, even if it was just to further his own agenda (and obviously hide his ambitions behind that good deed).
Jul 2, 2020
@Qelix I think you replied to the wrong person then. Normally MD gets it first then other sites steal. So how was the same chapter by same translator uploaded onto another site two days before it was even uploaded to MD?
Dex-chan lover
Aug 18, 2018
@katanon: "I think you replied to the wrong person then."
And I think you are right. Sorry, my bad.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 24, 2018

It's not a good thing. He's stalling for time so he can butcher more completely with less threat and loss to his own side. It's the difference between someone slapping you now and you hitting back, or them foregoing the slap to draw back, tense up, gather their strength, and break your face open with one punch.
Group Leader
Jun 18, 2019
@katanon We upload to our own website first and have a 3 day-delay for mangadex readers. Double-check what website stole from us, if it's then that's us and aggregators can go to hell for all I care.
Jul 2, 2020
@SkrillzPlayz Manganelo/kakalot stealing from everybody. I use to think people uploaded chapters there until I tried searching for an upload button. Then I found out they are just bots that search for the source and copy-paste onto their website. So now here I am on mangadex. But occasionally I do read some stuff I can't find on MD over there.
Jun 12, 2019
How dare they steal from scanlators who buy from the source for thousands of people to read for free.

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