Sometimes Even Reality Is a Lie! - Ch. 152 - My dad is impressive

Oct 15, 2020
You're also amazing mom 🥹

Dex-chan lover
Jun 22, 2018
...Fuck, this hits hard. I lost my mother to cancer last year. She had lung cancer that was diagnosed about 2 years ago She went on 3 separate rounds of chemo. First round she responded well and the tumor shrank vastly in size. Then they decided to put her on "maintenance" which just means occasional chemo treatments at lower doses on a longer timeline. Big fucking mistake. And anyone reading this: DO NOT let your oncologist do that. Because this was small-cell cancer and it came back with a vengeance - and, worse, it was resistant to the chemo drugs.

In the span of less than a year she went through two more rounds of chemo that were about as helpful at stopping the spread of the cancer as holding some tissue paper in front of a speeding train would be thanks to the cancer that survived being resistant to chemo now. Complicated moreso with the COVID insanity bullshit at the time.

So I had to watch my mom waste away as the cancer metastasized to her liver, her intestines and finally her brain. And from the time they found the cancer had metastasized to the brain until the time she died as I stood next to her was just 3 weeks. The only saving grace is she didn't suffer. She slept about 23 hours a day, and was on morphine to help with not pain but to respirate and sleep. And I'm just the slightest bit grateful I didn't have to see her mind slip any more than I did. Seeing her ask for my dad when he had been dead... Fuck.

Fuck cancer.
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