Song of the Sky Pacers - Ch. 116

Dex-chan lover
Aug 1, 2023

Ill omen: She actually says '扫帚星' which is quite an old term that basically means a person who will bring disaster or misfortune

Quick refresher on Spellbane: the original one was destroyed and the one Yuchi Yi currently wields is a remnant resulting from a battle between the original owner and a demon. It's suspected that the sword has some aspects of the demon in it now which is why it might be cursed(?). Refer to chapter 47 for details.
Jan 5, 2020
maybe it's because i don't stack up chapters and then read them all in one go, but all this cutting back and forth between the large cast isn't doing a lot of good for the action i think. it's really jarring and hard to keep up, and the time frame for the past chapters has been really small but too many things went on at once ): something something pacing
Dex-chan lover
Sep 24, 2018
maybe it's because i don't stack up chapters and then read them all in one go, but all this cutting back and forth between the large cast isn't doing a lot of good for the action i think. it's really jarring and hard to keep up, and the time frame for the past chapters has been really small but too many things went on at once ): something something pacing
Think I'm going to have to reread once again. Not really a problem, but it is hard to follow what is happening on a per chapter basis.

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