Sono Bisque Doll wa Koi o Suru - Vol. 13 Ch. 99

Dex-chan lover
Nov 17, 2018
Once again she looks so flipping amazing! But I feel like at some point a big group like this will cause a safety hazard. Why haven’t staff come and put an end to it yet?
Probably because it formed so quickly and naturally that they haven't had time to properly react yet.

The problem is that the serialization pace changed, but not the chapter pacing. So content that once would take a month to cover now takes 4, which makes the pacing glacial, especially if there are moment being repeated for emphasis. I had to go back and check if I read this chapter before, because the reactions to the cosplay are exactly the same as the last chapter.

In the end you have npc reation, Gojo reaction, npc reaction again, other named characters reacting, wind down, then characters reacting to pictures of the cosplay because they weren't there, is this a manga or an XQC stream? This would be fine if we didn't get 1.5 chapters per month at most when compared to when the pacing was great.
This is part conflation with the translators' release rate of backlogged chapters, and the change from biweekly to monthly.

not saying they don’t, but if you go to the exhibition photos in ch. 96, page 47 she says straight out that the panty shots are something required by the editorial team and that her fav arc is the Mandate of Heaven arc bc she can draw more how she’s used to
This feels like a bit of a mis-reading of things. She said that "Cute girl", "romcom", and "panty shots" were the editing team's requirements, and early on she was told not to draw eyes too detailed; however, when drawing the Mandate of Heaven illustrations in chapter 87 and in the MoH arc, she didn't need to worry about that. This very clearly reads about being able to compose shots like she wants without having to consider editorial requests, and getting those absolutely bonechillingly beautifully detailed eye shots in, not that she's not lewd and/or dislikes lewd things.
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Active member
Jul 23, 2023
ok, honestly? last chapter was amazing, but we didn't really need 2 of it. i feel like we could've had just a bit more so it transitions well to that Gojo segment, then going to what i believe will be next chapter.
Active member
Jul 23, 2023
got into this manga because of fluff, Marin, and the romance. i'm fine with the focus kind of totally drifting to cosplay, but this kind of repetitive chapters while the actual character development has been left to the side for god knows how much time hurts me
Aggregator gang
Jun 23, 2019
Why does this feel like last month's chapter but from different POV😂 nothing really new happening:/
Dex-chan lover
Jan 6, 2019
the last 2 chapters feels like 2.5D Seduction in nutshell
i dropped that manga because the MC is too idiotic.

and reading this thread i'm also amazed at people "defending" the shit slowass pace and wrong focus of the manga... for real, 3 months for the same fucking pose essentially... the mangaka is reaching narutard levels of filler.

i'm probably going to ice this for 6months at the time, so i can fast forward to the important parts(the romance), maybe i'll get 5 pages of good content for 50 pages of stale filler and overly long arcs with no real advance
Active member
Feb 8, 2018
I had to make sure that I wasn't crazy, so I went back and read through a bunch of older chapters. The coffin game arc started in chapter 72. Technically it started in chapter 71, but 72 being the start of a new volume helps keep things uncomplicated. That chapter came out 2 YEARS AGO and since then basically nothing has happened aside from the coffin game itself (which was of similarly debatable quality) and this arc. This is beyond slow pacing. This is authorial negligence.

For reference, the entirety of the Namek Saga (and for the sake of completeness I starting from when they leave for Namek until they are back on earth) in DragonBall Z, which is a notorious meme for its abysmal pacing and everyone just waiting for it to end instead of enjoying it, covers episodes 39-105. That means that if you were to watch one episode weekly, it would would take 1.6 years to complete. This is officially worse than Namek. I never thought in all my years I would ever see the day when it would be surpassed. I want to get off Fukuda's wild ride.
Group Leader
Feb 3, 2018
2 chapters in a row where nothing happens. Awesome. I love waiting a month between chapters for what basically amounts to filler in the main story.

And this is after an entire ARC of like 20 chapters where nothing happens. What the hell happened to this series?
Dex-chan lover
Apr 19, 2018
I had to make sure that I wasn't crazy, so I went back and read through a bunch of older chapters. The coffin game arc started in chapter 72. Technically it started in chapter 71, but 72 being the start of a new volume helps keep things uncomplicated. That chapter came out 2 YEARS AGO and since then basically nothing has happened aside from the coffin game itself (which was of similarly debatable quality) and this arc. This is beyond slow pacing. This is authorial negligence.

For reference, the entirety of the Namek Saga (and for the sake of completeness I starting from when they leave for Namek until they are back on earth) in DragonBall Z, which is a notorious meme for its abysmal pacing and everyone just waiting for it to end instead of enjoying it, covers episodes 39-105. That means that if you were to watch one episode weekly, it would would take 1.6 years to complete. This is officially worse than Namek. I never thought in all my years I would ever see the day when it would be surpassed. I want to get off Fukuda's wild ride.
I mean if you're gonna compare pacing then you can't have one be released weekly and one monthly and call it fair

maybe by page count would be more fair, but you're talking about an anime vs a manga so really it sounds like you just want to be mad
Active member
Feb 8, 2018
I mean if you're gonna compare pacing then you can't have one be released weekly and one monthly and call it fair

maybe by page count would be more fair, but you're talking about an anime vs a manga so really it sounds like you just want to be mad
It's not apples to apples. It's mostly just a reference point to other longwinded, seemingly endless arc where nothing much really happens. Using DBZ as that reference is because that is easily understood by most people.

I also take umbridge with the idea that this manga being monthly somehow means that the pacing is somehow better. I assure you it is not, especially when you consider that the chapters of this manga are not as long as other monthly releases. Since chapter 72, the chapters of this manga average at around 20 pages, not including credits pages or omake chapters. 20 pages per month is slow enough as it is, but when they author has now spent the last 3 months (60 pages give or take) on the same thing it comes into even sharper relief. I cannot even think of the last time that I've read anything that spend 60 pages on a single scene, which is what this is. Even if we were to compare it to the aforementioned Namek DBZ nightmare, at least things generally HAPPENED in those episodes, they were not static single scenes that dragged the entire length of the episode.

But wait there's more. Since Gojou and Marin have finally (mercifully) arrived at comiket, which happened in chapter 96 (so 80 pages if you're not keeping score), a full 22 pages have been random photographers monologuing. Random, nameless characters who have no bearing on the plot, who are contributing nothing to the story, who will never have any meaningful impact, and who will all disappear eventually (and eventually cannot be stressed enough) have eaten up a total of ONE FOURTH of all the meager pages we get. And for what? So that everyone can jerk off over a fictional manga? A manga that does not exist and is therefor impossible for us, the readers, to have any sort of attachment to or reverence towards. It's psychotic. And yet even more pages are just full page spreads of Marin standing there looking straight ahead. I didn't even bother to count those, but it easily makes up another significant chunk of what little we have received.

In short, these last 27 chapters have been utterly miserable, and the last 3 in particular have been a perfect shitstorm hurricane of the sort of self indulgence that can tank the reputation of a manga/novel/graphic novel/any other storytelling medium. Even Oda would be ashamed of this pacing.

EDIT: The only reason that the average page count is even as high as it is is because there is an outlier chapter that has 50 pages. That chapter is about the FICTIONAL manga that Haniel is from, which, as I mentioned earlier, is a big fat nothingburger.
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Dex-chan lover
Feb 16, 2018
She becomes more certain of her love and he thinks her even more out of reach
All my homies hate dramatic irony
Jul 27, 2023
Thanks for the chapter!

Damn, I like this manga, but 3 chapters so similar to one another are quite painful, I would have preferred all them bundled in 1 even if it took 3 months to make it😅!
I get that this is one of the last if not the last cosplay in the series, the grand finale or climax or whatnot, but we still don’t see the protagonist’s full thoughts, only some peeks…I guess the stunning drawings make up for it tho?
I see some merchandise from the series, there at last one bunny cosplay (with 2 more girls), a bear, a another magical girl I think, if you look on her room walls, she is going to do near every series that she have on them. (sorry for my bad english)
Double-page supporter
Jan 10, 2023
Bruh, why are people complaining about stalling and no development? Did you just scroll past the major revelation that Gojo has here? :question: And fucking finally, 99 chapters deep. My man needs to take a break from the hina dolls and look at the very real girl in front of him...
Dex-chan lover
Mar 24, 2018
There is an awful lot of reaction to this chapter. Chapter 100 I can predict will be even more reactive.
Sep 8, 2023
Bruh, why are people complaining about stalling and no development? Did you just scroll past the major revelation that Gojo has here? :question: And fucking finally, 99 chapters deep. My man needs to take a break from the hina dolls and look at the very real girl in front of him...
What revelation? I feel like he’s backsliding, not moving forward.

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