I'm pretty sure this is as far as I can go with this manga..
Seriously though.. It's a shit ton of work to draw a manga, and then publishing it. A lot of people actually thought to themselves "Oh yeah, this is the one that's worth all of that time and effort"..
REALLY?? This protagonist has potato for brains, and he's an actual reincarnator..
It sure as hell doesn't reflect in his common sense
(u know, the thing that gets better through experience/living) or in his intelligence overall.
He just pulls his item box to show for total strangers, and all of his extremely rare/priceless artifacts, and just explains everything to them, even though they owed them no explanation at all.. Just take those damn potatoes and leave. (That's what they should've said to them)
I really, and I mean really dislike this type of (main) character writing. What's the point of drawing/publishing anything if your MC is gonna be a ned flanders who's missing his brain. Basically just another naive/gullible imbecile.