Sousei no Onmyouji - Vol. 16 Ch. 58 - An Evanescent Doll's Dream

Double-page supporter
Jan 17, 2018
I'm starting to get tired of the gruesome one-sided massacre of the exorcists. Okay the Basara are powerful, but why the f*** are those exorcist considered powerful if they sucks so much ?
How come humanity is still not destroyed ? Why are those flashy moves just having no effects at all on the villains ? What the points of those chapters, seriously ? It feels like the author is running out of idea and just introduced characters to kill them while he thinks about what will come next.
It feels like opening a Basara gate, dropping an atomic bomb on it and closing it would give a far far better results that those "enchanted gears" that apparently only works against another human (see pointless tournament arc).

Can the author get on with it, stop those pointless chapter, and reunites MC with Benio soon so the plot can actually move ? Seriously.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
Are they setting up a huge loss for the exorcists so that Benio can show up with an army of impurities and turn the tides?
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 23, 2018
@ShinGetsu: Yeah I feel the same. I see this happen once in a while with Shonen. The author gets desperate to up the stakes and shows off the bad guys being super powerful and stuff. But they go way too far and it ends up breaking the series because then it feels forced when the heroes make a comback.

Same thing happened in the last arc of Bleach. The author introduced those super powerful quincy and it was like "OMG THESE GUYS ARE INSANELY POWERFUL! EVEN THE BADASS CAPTAINS ARE JUST BIENG TOYED WITH!". But here was the thing.... they are so onesidedly powerful that when it came time for them to lose the author had to do things like invest weaknesses that somehow didn't come up until that moment, or pulled ass pull after all pull with the heroes getting power ups in order to win. Then after a bit the bad guys would reveal their hidden trump cards and one sidedly dominate again until either the good guys got ANOTHER power up or the main bad boss kills off his own subordinates.

The result was an arc that by all right SHOULD have been epic but instead it just felt like a coin flip of which side would on sidely dominate and none of it felt real. Yes we know this is all fantasy but the writing needs to flow in a way that almost feels genuine and Bleach failed to do that at all in it's last arc. It was just the author going "look at this cool stuff I can write... okay now move along nothing to see here".

Although in a way I think Onmyouji is doing it even worse. It's not just making the Basara one sidedly powerful to be epic. IT's trying to be dark and tragic and is relying heavily on shock value over death to keep up the drama..... except it's abused that so much that I got numb to that a long time ago. It's fine to have the good guys lose, after all if they only win then it's boring. But having them only lose and in such a one sided and over the top fashion then it's just as bad if not worse.
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 25, 2018
Maybe @pokefairy , to add dramatism, even i doubt highly about the army, for now, maybe after 100 more chapters to fight against the king of impurities.
What it is sure is that more exorcists will die, but i doubt the two girls will do, and maybe no more Commanders. It seems to me that they are trying to recycle the Commanders with new ones that will follow Rokuro. The only ones dying or getting injured since the beginning (Seigen) are the older ones (Simon will come back).
Double-page supporter
Jan 17, 2018
It's actually far worse than in Bleach because in Bleach I knew well the casts of captains and sub-captains. I knew their Shikai and most Bankai, and knew roughly how strong they were.
Last Bleach arc was total BS but it had SOME sense in it. Having Aizen being the key for the victory with his ever-bs Shikai was nice too.

But here ? Random characters I don't give a fxxx about gets a flashback, go super saiyan, get gruesomly killed. It feels like it's all that happened for the last 10-20 chapters. Only the Benio arc was somewhat interesting and had its share of revelation. While on Rokuro side it's just an endless stream of side characters I just forget the next chapter since the end of the tournament arc.

In Bleach I liked a lot of characters. I didn't like seeing the Gotei 13 being overwhelmed by Ywach and the 50~ chapter til the end were mostly bad. Tbh at this point I was only reading because of Kubo artstyle. But at least I can still remember most characters name and what their Zanpakuto did. And I read it ages ago. I just feels nothing for Sousei no Onmyouji characters. As you said, I just became numb to it.

Where did the hilarity and absurdity of Binbougami go ? Main characters had a very good dynamic. I thought the author nailed it again with Benio and Rokuro but it's going downhill each chapters...
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
I think the author is actually trying to kill off the characters that he introduced and barely developed, both to reduce the cast and to allow other people to inherit their positions and powers like @Abetillo said.

It's obvious no one wants to sit through a bunch of chapters of Rokuro getting the support of every single Commander so instead the author is just killin them off to hype up the villains, which Rokuro and his new allies will eventually defeat.

Honestly, I don't care anymore. I'm fine with anything as long as Rokuro and Benio are reunited.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 8, 2018
And the bloodbath continues...
But somehow I don't feel too bad about it. We barely know any of these characters and they are hardly developed since they just appear not too long back, hence no lingering attachment to them.

I only hope the dark skin girl survive and that Benio reunite with Rokuro soon.
Active member
Apr 5, 2018
This go downhill since the author decided to force Benio out of the story ( I know she got spin off).

Why? Why you do that? Does he think by introducing the stupid trap people will forget about Benio?
Dex-chan lover
Jun 8, 2018
@ShinGetsu They already mentioned that these Basara are extremely powerful. This one Gabura is the current most powerful Basara since the 1st and 2nd rarely go into action. Gabura killed several Heavenly Commanders before including Sakura's father so I don't see how the power level is illogical. The Heavenly Commanders's power are stronger compare to normal exorcists but no match for the top Basara. Even among Heavenly Commanders, the power levels are varies greatly, Ioroi is one of the weakest hence he is killed quickly, if it was Tenma, the strongest, I doubt it would be a massacre like this.
The reason why humanity still stand because these Basara stay deep in Magano and don't see any reason to come out of Magano themselves. Gabura himself kills for fun, not to destroy humanity.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 8, 2018
@fifthtouch The Benio story is not a spin-off anymore. It was included in the main manga. At this point, the translation is behind the raw several chapters. I already read chapter 63.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
@miyako19 What you say makes sense but I do agree with @ShinGetsu that having the Commanders job so hard (even if they aren't the strongest) makes their previous characterization and hype kind of pointless. Not to mention how this whole eternal war that is crucial to the setting becomes pointless too if the Basaras are so powerful that the only reason they haven't won yet is that they didn't even try.

Also, I don't remember Gabura even being mentioned (aside from some shadowy figures and when the Basaras are mentioned as a group) before this. His killing of numerous Heavenly Commanders and frightening power weren't clearly established till a few chapters ago.
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 25, 2018
There is also that after killing three Basaras, two that do nothing, and one (Kamui) does not care about anything much, they had to even things out or they would get without opponents soon.

There are many bullshit things, like how Simon almost killed those two Basaras (counting Hijirimaru here before he transformed) that have been around for centuries and now just a single Commander which is not even the strongest one had the power to almost kill them alone. Typical shounen explanations. Better do not care about power levels when reading and shut down the brain.
Jan 22, 2018
Well if you all feel this way about Heavenly Commanders that were barely developed and shown... I can not wait to read all your reactions to chapter 62 Hahahaha because ....well you shall see!


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