"can we still be friends"
author has just overstep his knowledge and experience
in his idea, this isn't a big deal for friends
he could not be more wrong, and if this had happened to him in any scale he would know how it feels like and how that is such a fucking huge deal
this manga loses a point in my rating for this
it's always bad reading about something that the mangaka didn't experience for himself but still took a shot way over the target
like waaaaay off
@havelmom - Don't get me wrong, I love shitty friend drama points, one thing I'm not a fan of is how quickly someone is forgiven for their shitty behavior. If they are gonna use the plot of the "shitty friend going after the main guy's girlfriend" then I would like to see the 2 guys slowly build up being friends again instead of automatically going back to being friends. Or it would also be interesting to see a character choose not to be friends with the character anymore because of it.
And here comes the "let's still stay friends". I mean, what the fuck, that "friend" just pulled some top grade asshole moves on you and your girlfriend, and you just let it pass? Oh well, that's how it goes in these things, I guess.
As far as I'm concerned both Sunamoto and Megumi are both assholes here. Sunamoto for going after his friend's girlfriend and Megumi for not immediately rejecting him even after knowing how Jealous her "boyfriend" gets. That she would even consider accepting his confession shows just how shallow a person she is. Man, she pisses me off.
Bro, Megumi legit thinked twice about rejecting Long Bitch smh. Grow up and reject him immediately, and this goes to show how shallow she is. I'm pissed