MC probably just got a crazy power up from eating it though if it has 9 lives & gets stronger each time. I wonder if he'll only get the level 1 resurrection since that's the one he ate? Imo it'd be a bit nuts to give him all of them right away unless this story is truly going the direction of "the humans are going to capture and study him" so he needs all of that power ASAP. Although I'll admit it'd be kinda fun if he rips the bugger's throat out each time it molts & so he gains not just 9 resurrections, but the entire sequence coming after each version he kills. (Like, he already ate one with 9 marks, then he eats the stronger one with 8 marks, an even stronger one with 7, etc so he'd get extra "tries" of each strength tier that'd result in him staying lower-leveled for longer but each new tier will be even stronger due to natural growth. Seemed like a fun concept that I'd personally run with at least but we're so early in the story I can't really predict any of the author's goals to begin with outside of the whole "become the king of hell" premise being implied.)