Starting my Translating Carrier (eng/de)

Jan 9, 2019
Hi Ladies and Gentlemen :)P),

at the moment i am still learning japanese. Now i have some question about why is it legal and where do i see if there are licenses on some manga (so that i shouldnt translate this).

My first project will be an ENG - DE easy going test for myself, but i know there are some manga also licensed in german so i dont know what to do. Later i want to do jap - eng ones, with experience my english will also improve.

Sorry for my bad english, hope you understand.

With greetings,
this youdonotknowyet :)


Hi Leuts,

bin gerade damit beschäftigt Japanisch zu lernen. Jetzt möchte ich wissen wieso es legal ist als Fanservice Mangas zu übersetzen und wo ich nachschauen kann welche Lizensen vorhanden sind um zu wissen welche ich nicht übersetzen sollte.

Als start werde ich mit einem ENG-DE Projekt starten (sobald die oben genannten Fragen geklärt sind). Später werde ich mich auf jap Manga stürzen, sobald die Erfahrung ausreicht.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
den denihrnochnichtkennt :)
Power Uploader
Jan 25, 2018
Hey, Notyetknown,

Knowing which manga have been licensed is not a straightforward issue. Licensees for a target language don't list their licenses in a database. There's evidence that some hold licenses for manga they never get to publish.

The only thing you can confirm, with a simple Google search, is whether a given manga is being published in the target language you choose. If you don't have an idea of what the manga would be called in English or German, you can try to find the author.

Also bear in mind that translating a licensed manga by accident is not a capital offence. The worst that can happen is getting a Cease & Desist Letter from the licensee.
Group Leader
Jul 10, 2018
I can tell you which Manga is licensed in German :D
so when you need information come on my discord
Falls du noch weitere Fragen hast deshalb geb ich dir den Link
Miku best girl
May 29, 2012
And as you will probably upload your chapters here, you don't need to worry about receiving C&D letters, because we would get them (which is unlikely anyway, because publishers usually don't bother)
Jan 9, 2019
Thanks a lot for helping!

@Kendama: Then i will do as you said with some google search requests. Hopefully i will never get bad experience with this stuff.

@Kurdeus44: This is unlikely to happen, since i want to look for myself. Even if i bother you now, will you be able to help me in a few weeks, month, years? ...

@Holo: Thats a lot of help .. ? It would be a new kind of fanletter for you
Group Leader
Jul 10, 2018
why not i have a german scanlation group i must know which manga getting licensed so i can give you a link where you can check it yourself. you know we can help each other out because you want to translate a manga and i have a group we are small so when you interested writte me.

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