Man is just an obsess stalker at this point.
I swear people that dedicate their whole lives into one thing are the easiest to break.
Because once that thing is taken away from them or it's just gone, they have no more motivation and feel completely empty, depressed, and sometimes even commit suicide.
If this old fart actually kills grandpa shota I bet you he will be the most bored MF ever.
Like he'll actually feel amazing at the start but after a while he'll just be like "... Now what?"
He'll lose all reason for leaving up to this point, come to realize what he dedicated his life to, and what are the things he sacrificed and the consequences he got, and then he'll just be unmotivated to do anything.
He'll an empty shell, just living with no reason or goal, and he'll just continue living in that shallow feeling until he finds something new to obsess over or just kill himself.