Thanks for picking this up! Seems wild, josei stuff sure can be unhinged too sometimes (tho idk if she was too obvious with her expression but i didn't really think of anything 'flirty' just from her introducing herself lol but i guess if multiple girls are after the same guy ppl are hyper -aware of it [but oof i'd expect her to have know more about him before rushing into marriage just b/c of his paycheck b/c i can totally imagine "elite in public/as a job but sucky as a partner/at home" esp since he wasn't already taken tho i guess it'd also be bad to be a homewrecker])
Can you translate the summary in english too when you have time please
LOL her reuniting with someone else, an affair's pretty cliche but i guess not surprising/fitting, dunno how popular this story is but i can imagine it being changed into a j-drama , idk how much ppl would wanna root for this mc versus waiting for her downfall XD