youre funny imma follow you homeRemember kids! Ask first! Runs into a rainbow
Kids are stupid and often don't think through their actions and wind up hurting others because of it. I agree, I don't think Tongtong is a creep, but what she did was very creepy and she needs to learn it's not okI agree with everyone here, kissing someone without consent while they are asleep is really bad. In this case though I don’t think Tongtong realised how much this could have hurt Lin, she was doing it out of ignorance not malice or a lack of care. It’s still bad but I don’t think Tongtong is creep or anything
Frfr, I don’t know why this trope is so common in GL manga/vns, I’ve seen the “new to being gay” person do this way too many times (with half of them ending badly temporarily, justifiably)i swear what is it with the kissing someone in their sleep trope it completely kills the romantic aspect because it just makes it look like they're a creep who doesn't care about the other person