I did think that but I also thought that it might be a pun.
That’s the original which translated as “tick-tock light attack one!!!”
カチカチ is an onomatopoeia so can mean a few things
Usually it's the sound of something hard, but can also be more metaphorical and is sometimes the "sound" of an aspect of hardness. I.E. it can sometimes be used to signify stubborness or being "scared stiff"
In this case I don't think it's a pun, just maybe a double meaning of "rock hard" and "stubborn" or "last-ditch"
Notice how Akari goes all stiff (or well her "hair" does) beforehand
I'd TL it something like "All-Out Akari Attack" for some alliteration or "Rock-Hard Akari Assault" to be more literal
But overall it's a really minor line so not that important, jut hope I could give some insight