Shugarry Member Joined Mar 2, 2020 Messages 190 Jun 21, 2020 #3 Wait, since when in the story was it officially mentioned that they were going out. I thought they were just friends
Wait, since when in the story was it officially mentioned that they were going out. I thought they were just friends
Y yuzuyuzu Member Joined Jun 19, 2019 Messages 148 Jul 17, 2020 #4 @Shugarry exatly what I thought... maybe it's a difference in language, because girlfriend (yeojachingu) in korean and friend (a girl friend) is read the same (yeoja chingu), so maybe the translator forgot to write a tln?
@Shugarry exatly what I thought... maybe it's a difference in language, because girlfriend (yeojachingu) in korean and friend (a girl friend) is read the same (yeoja chingu), so maybe the translator forgot to write a tln?
Shugarry Member Joined Mar 2, 2020 Messages 190 Jul 18, 2020 #5 @yuzuyuzu ah makes sense, thanks for the explanation