Glad we finally got Ch 26 and the Volume 8 Extras out!
Before I begin my usual review, I'd like to give a shoutout on behalf of Wizard Scans to our supporters: we understood your frustrations and anxiety. For releases to have suddenly sped up, but then momentum seemed to have stalled again without rhyme or reason.
Truth is for the past month and a half, practically all members of our team have been faced with one dilemma or another. Myself, I suffered not only from the flu, but also from lower back sprain that resulted from sneezing induced by said flu. (Yes, that's actually a thing. In fact, sneezing and coughing inflicted the worse internal damage unto my back for a time)
Of course, such a confluence of setbacks had been just as miserable for us. We were so psyched to get our works out, and then this happened. Not like any of us wanted this to happen... but we decided our real life wellbeing had to come first, it wouldn't do for it all to collapse. Not a good idea if anyone forces themselves to work and worsens their condition.
Most of our blockers have now been resolved and most remaining material are works-in-progress, so to our fans who remain steadfast in our support, thank you so much! To reward your patience, we decided to try our hands on a full SFX translation and redraw as a special one-time treat to celebrate the climax of this arc! Hope you all enjoy this release and our future ones too!
Onto the review. On first read, Lucas' Flowering more or less falls within range of my expectations, but the extra tree as his "instrument" and the extravagant soundwaves of light is such a spectacle!
What's more, we got a double Flowering with Zoe going back into the fray too! Ah, the classic way to fight against those with predictions - outspeeding.
It's nice to see the Pope actually struggle with his usual rational side, allowing Zoe to follow her heart against his better judgment and all.
Thank goodness we have Coura to treat Lucas, and I knew Meryl will return to help at some point (but not in the manner I imagined

). That final attack on Akira is just everyone piling their grudges on him (including the Mirror)
All in all, there's not too much to express about this chapter that hadn't already been expressed: just a lot of good art, amazing choreography, and a smorgasbord of delicious content of over 3 average-weeklys that's well worth a monthly wait!
Why be married to one or the other? Isn't it best to use the word based on context and grammar. A person with precognition makes predictions. They're not mutually exclusive terms.
Anyway thanks for the chapter.
In terms of superpowers, we know both concepts can exist yeah. But consistency of terms makes concepts and events easier to follow, and for that specific term in question our chosen word was deemed as the best one.