The Dangers in My Heart

Jan 18, 2018
@Nihilist It gets a hell of a lot better. That near-9 rating was hard fought, it's actually legit one of the best romcoms I've read.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 6, 2019
@Nihilist1 Don't worry at the current point the MC is at in the manga he has mellowed out DRAMATICALLY in comparison, he's almost a completely different character. Not only that he is a lot more likeable to the point he is more popular to most readers than Yamada is (not that Yamada is a bad character or anything).
There is a surprising amount of nuance in each chapter if you pay close attention as they are all interconnected (save for the extras, but they add to the experience) which adds to the growing romance between both characters, that's one of the reasons this manga is becoming so popular. It's understandable how you feel at the moment as I went through the same thing, but I'd say it's worth reading.
Aug 18, 2019
What's the deal with this translator, I mean, I still read it bc I love this manga, but you can tell that the quality is trash lol; I'll go back to read the chapters when the original group post them anyway, but I hope this doesn't get dropped because of this
Aug 26, 2019
He acknowledges parents can see through his bullshit immediately. Ha, nice self-awareness there buddy.

Really, the characters are so well realised it makes it a pleasure to read.
Jul 26, 2020
@Koni That was never my intention, just wanted to help anons (also practice nihongo for fun). Working backward means I won't bump into their posts (might have even contacted them to give the TL's) but all is good they caught up. Thanks for the thought my dude.
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
Why did the attwhore mongs have to find this one... Go snipe solo leveling or smthn
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
I don't care about those snipers if the original team still continues their work but I wish they would at least create groups so I could block them
But seeing as they're doing this for attention they obviously won't
Jan 24, 2018
@punpun heaven forfend that people get tired of seeing extras posted when the main group's five chapters behind and we're left on a cliffhanger. it can't be that people are genuinely angry at the scan group's priorities and elitist attitude of scanlators, no! it must be done for attention!


this is why the 'sniper' is 'sniping'. seeing the responses to these releases from you, whissard, bravedude8 (a mod here!), etc, has lowered my respect for the scanlation community more than any troll release, patreon-begging credit page, or translators making up jokes to shove into their releases out of boredom, and that the mods (one of which being a member of boredom society and having engaged in these chapter discussions) are allowing posts like yours and whissard's to stand but not similar posts by the 'sniper' (i hate this term so much) makes me question the fairness and impartiality of the moderation team on this site.
Apr 19, 2019

Nobody's stopping you reading the raws if you're that bothered by cliffhangers. And go outside on a stroll to cool off a bit.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 6, 2019
@fullerhorn So I take it you'll now purposefully avoid Boredom's translations out of spite? Also you dislike the extras? I thought they added to the experience of the manga.
Jan 24, 2018
@Ataru going "u mad" doesn't really work here when at least 5 members of a 16 member group jumped into the chapter discussions over this, with them and their sycophants complaining about translation inaccuracies but not actually listing any. you in particular go on about tone and general inaccuracies, but what exactly is wrong with the releases? spell it out, with specifics, for the whole class.

@KingNova777 i wasn't going to, but after seeing their group members act like that, their fans behave like that, and you in particular go into several chapter discussions and demand that labanina take his releases down, i'm filled with disgust at the state of scanlation. extras shouldn't be prioritized over the main chapters that they are supposed to be advertising, i don't care how short and easy to finish they are compared to the actual published material. it's like a chef bringing tiny leaves of designer parsley out on a plate while you wait four hours for the steak you ordered.

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