I read for a bit and then stop, realize the translator is different and just how long this has been left untouched. Thank you for the chapter and greatly appreciated!
thanks for the update, anything is better than nothing, and compared to some other translations (not throwing any shade) that I’ve seen… this is pretty good
Others might hate you for doing this, but you have all my appreciation thanks for translating it, and yes it is a really good series to be left like this
Others might hate you for doing this, but you have all my appreciation thanks for translating it, and yes it is a really good series to be left like this
it’s garbage MTL that will make people translate from the chapters that aren’t translated! witch sucks ass because NO ONE wanna come back to this and see 5-20 garbage MTL translation! and have to redo them!
it’s garbage MTL that will make people translate from the chapters that aren’t translated! witch sucks ass because NO ONE wanna come back to this and see 5-20 garbage MTL translation! and have to redo them!
This is already picked by zeroscans no one else will or has ever taken it outside of them, just once and it was mostly in YT and even then zero did redo them so I'm fine with what i can get since this one isn't all that known nor do much people care about it