The Duchess' 50 Tea Recipes - Ch. 47

Dex-chan lover
Apr 15, 2019
Are the other noble ladies still under the impression that Chloe is still a wilting wallflower? Get with the times, girls.
Most powerful member of the GFG
Super Moderator
Feb 16, 2020
Why would you try to bet against the house? That blue-haired lady was at a disadvantage the moment she tried to brag.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 9, 2019
It was foreshadowed that she made a horrible mistake by attending the tea-party with the other ladies, what's gonna happen?
May 31, 2020
I would enjoy this series a thousand times more without the forced #girboss moments and heavily exaggerated social drama. What woman in any culture would go to a gathering to provoke a married woman of higher social standing for funsies, and with a blatantly obvious lie no less? Even before Chloe's "transformation," there's no way saying "I had relations with your husband" to someone in public would do anything but reflect poorly on the person saying it. How do these people have friends?

See, the social drama wouldn't be so childishly written if the author didn't need Chloe to easily "win" every single confrontation she has. I guess I can't be too mad at this point, since this series already signed off on our ML killing a woman for almost making the FL commit a faux pas. I'm just here to enjoy the tea talk and watch the art style slowly devolve.
Active member
Nov 2, 2019
@K_mari I'm assuming she said that she was the Duke's lover bc going off the MC's previous personality (which you think if there's enough gossip about it, they'd take the hint and just not try it) the old duchess would just be too embarrassed to speak, and wouldn't try to disprove it; or if she did try, she wouldn't know enough about the old duke to confidently make any claims.

Worst case scenario of the other noble ladies bullying her is that our MC could look incompetent and more people doubt her actual business ability, except...they already do that bc she's a woman. And she's already got control of her business, so really she'd just have to keep going around showing all the businessmen she's got a bigger dick than them when they doubt her skills lmao. It's just a cheap way to have more smaller plot points where she dunks on the people who dislike her.
Active member
Jun 7, 2019
@broadsword80 Agreed. Plus, Alphone's recent more aggressive open couple flirting (he kissed her openly/in public a bunch of times at this point) AND very recent threat to anyone who insults HIS wife. It was bad enough a noblewoman of lower status is doing this but fabricating a fake relationship? I have to agree the social drama is a bit disappointing (don't get me wrong though, I enjoy MC kicking *ss and not really needing Alphonse but at the same time, its hard to believe a moronic woman would still do this when the man in question whose initially well-known to be stoic is very affectionate recently to his wife)
Active member
Jun 7, 2019
@broadsword80 Agreed. Plus, Alphone's recent more aggressive open couple flirting (he kissed her openly/in public a bunch of times at this point) AND very recent threat to anyone who insults HIS wife. It was bad enough a noblewoman of lower status is doing this but fabricating a fake relationship? I have to agree the social drama is a bit disappointing (don't get me wrong though, I enjoy MC kicking *ss and not really needing Alphonse but at the same time, its hard to believe a moronic woman would still do this when the man in question whose initially well-known to be stoic is very affectionate recently to his wife)
Active member
Mar 30, 2018
SOooo . . . is this isekai still?
Was she reborn in the same world, but at a different time period (and would that count)?
Or is this a parallel universe?

I may have missed something somewhere.
But it is kinda convenient that all of the teas have the same names still.

It's not too big a deal for me, it's just kinda a small hole in the setting that's always in the back of my head.
Is this a novel world?
a game world?
a parallel Earth?
or the same Earth she was on before?
Nov 3, 2019

They do happen to have the same names there was a chapter that addressed that like 40 chapters ago or something. She was looking into it and found there is a place that's basically isekai Asia with conveniently named teas
Jan 9, 2020
I get that this is ostensibly a story about tea, so you want to have prolonged scenes of the MC showing off her tea knowledge, but the redundancy here is real. Maybe there's some kind of nuance in the original Korean that just couldn't be translated properly, but how many times do you really have to reiterate "this tea smells like fruit" to get the point across?

@Leonkristoffer Presumably they called it a mistake because it led to her getting picked on by blue-hair, even if she did come out on-top in the end.
@K_mari To be fair, the duke giving her a stern glare was enough to make blue-hair have a mental breakdown. I can only assume she's not the most mentally stable noble around.

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