Wait a da- you're from the future and clearly remember a great number of details about the case yet the names of the dead weren't one!? Not a single name?! Hey guess what Sherlock if their names were on the article (ie the list of dead) then it wasn't them. Merc the one not on the article, everyone safe. Why's this being played off as a great mystery? I'm happy to keep reading and find out but that's a pretty glaring flaw in the set up of the scenario. Dude remembers which team, which dungeon, the exact date and time, but not a single name? And even if the news didn't give names they usually show pictures, and even then if it had internet fame as a mystery then they'd have confirmed a few bodies, yet dude ain't got a single eliminated suspect? Just comes across as odd. Especially since he's remembered the names and faces of other people like the Ares head and the guy that famously cleaned house at Ares.