The Hunter - Ch. 10 - An Unforgivable Crime

Jan 8, 2019
Am i the only one who thinks that the author dragging things a lot. I mean we are at 10th chapter but still in the same place same enemies no plot no information just fighting.
Fed-Kun's army
Dec 20, 2018
Its like this:
1) he died and returned to the past, where his house was being assaulted by a group of debt collectors.
2) His fiance appeared and asked for him to disappear in exchange of paying his debts, he refused. He promised to his 3 million debt in 3 days. (Good luck boy! Work hard! Plot armor always finds a way!)
3) his best friend invited him to hunt snakes in the forest. Snakes are valuable....and huge!
4) he ks the snake from a group of hunters who was losing the battle
5) the hunter losers wanted compensation, he compensated them with death
6) other group of hunters appeared and tried to steal his prize, so he killed them
7) the leaders of those hunters who were killed arrived to aid them and encountered a pile of corpses
8) one of the leaders started fighting the MC to avenge his dead son and took a beating
9) the leader who took a beating called his subordinates to help but they were cowards
10) Another leader recognized the MC as the fiance of the daughter of a third leader(the one from chp2), and thought this was his plot to weaken or kill them.
Double-page supporter
Sep 26, 2018
Well he hit the advanced hunter with his fist and not the knife maybe they will finally recognize he has some skill and is not being carried by overpowered gear
Feb 15, 2018
All the old man patriarchs look like they're literally brothers. ?
I'm sure the artist has a folder with hundreds of variations of "Old Man Patriarch" ready to be used at a moments notice.
He'll be needing it with how the story is going.
Active member
Dec 11, 2018
WOW so this is a 15 chapter per encounter type of manga, I like it but its too short and it feels rushed.
Dec 8, 2018
Wow ok so is this battle ever going to end. Just beat there ass and move on to something else, and for the love of god do something about the growing group of old men playing 20 questions as to why they keep getting the shit beat out of them by the main character, its getting old as hell to watch the these geezers finally come to realize that the guy stomping on them is op
Dex-chan lover
Nov 26, 2018
So cars exist in this world, but apparently ranged weapons don't, judging by how not a single person has used one even when they were fighting a bit snake.

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