I really wonder what's the point of studying litterature in a school of magic anyway.
I agree with Yiruky that poetry and the like makes no sense. I have no idea where the enjoyment of people about this would come from, puting almost random word in rymes and call it beautiful and worthy of study, putting other random words and superlatives over it is so strange to me.
Like the guy abandonning some random garbage in an "art" gallery and people gathering around and trying to squeeze meaning out of it.
About the "art" I can't agree more.
About literature and poetry... I don't know how much the author is going to incorporate it, since magic in this world seems to be more based on sciency stuff in this world they are building, but a lot of settings use chanting as a mean of manifesting magic, and to do good chanting, poetry (which is part of literature) might come in hand, be it to make things more powerful (because magic?) or to make easier to remember stuff (which would be a nice use in this world setting, like, there are a lot of things in science that I remember I learned using music and poems, there was a nice one for sin/cossin stuff I never forgot).