The Journey of Baili - Ch. 3 - Under the falling flowers, a man stands alone; through the light falling raindrops, the pair of swallows fly home.

Group Leader
Mar 30, 2018
Extra Note (too lazy to edit files): The title is a line from the Poem 《临江仙·梦后楼台高锁》(Tune: Linjiangxian [Riverside Fairy] · Dream After the Tower was Locked) by 晏几道 (Yan Jidao)

“Under the falling flowers, a man stands alone; through the light falling raindrops, the pair of swallows fly home.”
The falling flower petals symbolize the end of spring (the end of a love); and the pair of swallows can be a literal pair of lovebirds used to contrast and drive home the loneliness and bitterness of the writer. That’s my interpretation anyway.
Link to the poem (audio)
I found a translation but the link is dead.

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