I'm so fed up with ppl saying their sheet about PilYoong's fansub worx, PY's done more than anyone on this title and frankly i really enjoy the worx PY's done.
If you want a regular fan or paid resub run on this title then go read SinoScans worx and be happy you can! ..but don't disrespect PilYoong's fun fan scanlation versions, PY has a loyal following, they just probably loath making accounts on sites like MangaDex, like me, to post freaking replies, bc it's like adding trash to a fire every day.
PilYoong, if you're looking for "sign", then consider this, yeah i didn't help you in any way, i'm a anime reader that has done fan sub & scanlation worxs back when it was really by fans, it was a freaking hobby, it was enjoyable, it was rare and respected! Yeah, you asked for a new PC, and i hope you got it. ..but imho, you do good worx considering the title & content is silly trash, and i enjoy you adding your thoughts to it, but don't get a big head over compliments, just keep doing what you like to do, lol.
(Man, i can't believe i had to get upset and make an account to post my opinions, but please post your other stuff on MangaDex too, for years i cannot read it bc i refuse to do the social media where you have the other stuff, a million thx!)