The Max Level Hero Has Returned! - Vol. 1 Ch. 33

Dex-chan lover
Sep 10, 2018
@me474 He could also just use an engine not seemingly from the 90s. I've played Patreon-funded porn games, developed by one-man amateur dev teams, released years ago, with far better CGI than this cancerous shit. Graphics don't get this awful in 2021 with mere incompetence; you need that combined with a complete lack of effort by the artist, assistants, editors, and literally everyone else for things to get that bad.
Active member
Jun 8, 2018
Cant really blame them. With so many max level buffs, I'm kinda surprised they got injured at all.
Super Moderator
Aug 19, 2020
They're definitely "missionaries out to preach"

@TopNepp at least there is a background 😅
Jul 5, 2020
people who say: "this is ugly" and "wish he used this instead" , why don't you start paying for the manhwa then? Art assets and models don't come for free after all c:
Jan 3, 2019
yeah that's basically it
lmao say the guy who doesn't know anything about 3d
the problem isn't in the object but in the render engine used to view it and render it
even blender can render a better image than this and it's a 100% free software
even without using a render engine a mix of filters and blurring can produce a better image
Dex-chan lover
Apr 14, 2019
I laughed more than I should here.
I just hope the villagers won't do anything stupid while they're hyped.
Jul 5, 2020
@me474 Might be true; or better yet let's say it is true cause i don't know jack about rendering and 3d stuff, however what i do know is that even achieving this level (this as in the current level that this manhwa is at) requires hard work to perform. You are currently reading this for free, unless you are planning to go out of your way to support the creator complaining about stuff as mediocre as "this is not rendered perfectly" is just you; or in either situations anybody; being a choosing begger. The images are decent, the story is fun and hype (least for me, dunno about you though but i'll assume you are enjoying it as well since you are still hanging out with us fellow readers over here), so if you really want to go and suggest the rendering softwar to the manhwa creator, you can go ahead and do so, but plot twist: This is not the place to do so, nor is the place to start randomly complaining about "eyo this model could have been better rendered".

Isn't saying i don't agree that it could have been better rendered, and i do agree that it could have been handeled better, but as a free consumer of the medium in a website designed to read stuff for free until you can support the creator which themselves aren't even hanging around here, what i'm saying is in a nutshell "Boi the guy doing his best to give you something to read and you ain't even paying for it, if you got professional advices to give go ahead and hand em over to the actual creator somewhere else, cause them dude isn't going to be in a free to read place"

TLDR: Ay this is readable, that's all that matter. Start talking mad stuff when you actually start supporting the creator.
Jan 3, 2019
did I demand improvement ? no
Do I want it to be better ? not really
I am just sharing my opinion with the people on this SITE I don't care if the author never see my comments kinda like you don't have to be a trump supporter to shit talk him do the people who shit talk trump expect him to improve from their talk ? nope
they are just venting out their feelings like I did and finding a sense of comradery when they shit talk him in a group
by your logic the ability to comment should be removed from this sites as all the manga here are free
It doesn't matter if I write how I like it or hate it in this site because the author will never see it and I never intend him to do I just shared my opinion with other reader and my comment is meant to be read by ONLY THEM
also any form of enjoyment i am getting from this manga is solely because of the AUTHOR and not the artist
Jan 2, 2019
Man the only thing I was complaining about was that one panel with the really obvious and shitty looking background. I mean, I don't care if the background looks like shit because if you look at it closely it's always going to look like bad and clearly 3D but at least make it less in your face 3D.

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