A couple months late, but this is such a gorgeous oneshot (as expected of Mori Karou’s works)! It motivated me to clean my room lol, it’s amazing how the author can make cleaning so captivating through her art.
I interpreted the oneshot as the former(?) maid of the household checking up on her mistress, and finding her depression nest. Perhaps the mistress grew depressed after the passing of her parents, judging by the beer and wine bottles by the bed and scattered across the room, along with the photo of her and her parents. The maid cleans up her mistress’ bedroom, and silently leaves soon before she wakes up, leaving freshly made tea. As the mistress awakes and sips her tea, she tears up, perhaps due to bittersweet nostalgia and the memories of life with her parents and maid.
Or it could just be a maid fantasy too! It’d be nice to have late night Victorian maid cleaning services lol