Okay, so weirdly? I dunno how I feel about Mana and Ray as a duo. It legit feels like Mana's incompetent- or at least too new to really trust with anything remotely dangerous or fragile or anything. I can't say Ray's complaints aren't justified. Furthermore, I can't really blame Ray for wanting little to do with her. From the perspective of someone who's likely busted their ass to get in, here comes this ditzy, all-too-cheery bumblefuck who keeps making things WORSE whenever she tries to help and barely seems to recognize that she's a bumblefuck- or at least doesn't really acknowledge the severity of her fuckups. IRL that kinda person gets really tiresome to be around REALLY QUICKLY. And I know this is the furthest thing from realistic, but still. Basically Ray is entirely understandable for her dislike of Mana and I hope she's not vilified for just wanting some competency.