The Rising of the Shield Hero

Active member
Oct 4, 2018
i'm reading enough isekai already. like most isekai, this was engaging at the start, but now it's reached a point where the worldbuilding is finished and it's just shitty fight scenes.
e.g. comparing chapter 61 to the most recent chapter of Kumo Desu ga, Nani ka
shield isekai chapter 61: 33 pages, nothing happens
spider isekai chapter 41.2: 13 pages, something happens
neither was very good but i'd rather drop shield hero.
Jan 31, 2018
If you've dropped this series, I'd recommend continuing through. You got your wish and during chapter 62, something happened.
And it could potentially lead to a rather large arc with a whole new world/setting for more world building.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 7, 2019
@ScrotalLingerie I'm with you on this one. I dropped this like 10-11 months ago when chapter 53 was released, it just became unbearable to read. Like what someone said before, this manga peaked a while ago. I started feeling that the manga hit it's peak at the chapter 35 area (chapter 30+ spoilers)
The EXP farm island was the peak imo, because L'Arc and and his girl were one of the few characters in the series I liked. I knew something was different when I saw that their strength was equal or even greater than a hero's, I shook it off thinking that it would add some spice to the chapters. I personally really liked their personalities and the little moments that made me hyped thinking that Naofumi would finally get a male friend that he could trust, socialize with, and fight with. But, the author had to say sike and leave me with a bad taste in my mouth. The overall manga just went downhill from that point, and I don't remember anything that really happened after the first 40 chapters.
I originally would've rated this manga a 8.5/10, and it has since decreased to a 4.5/10 for the fact that nothing is truly memorable and for other reasons stated above. For fans of this manga, keep enjoying it! But, after reading countless manga, this one just feels like one of the average manga. It became popular because it had those initial chapters that got vanilla people angry, and that it had a mc as a "shield hero." I don't know what else to truly put without pissing off fans, so I'm out of this comment section for the last time!
Edit: Forgot to add that the other heroes are practically useless characters, and are just meat shields for our hero. That may be the point, but the manga just gets so bland whenever the other heroes start crying and complaining "NAOFUMI IS CHEATING!" "NAOFUMI IS TOO OP!" etc.
Edit V2: The updates are also too slow, I could be reading manga/manhwa that have the same amount of pages with 10x the quality that are updated every week. Also annoys me that the turtle arc has been going on for over a year now, I know it is like one chapter a month... But, this arc is lasting so long that it would take two or more years for something interesting to happen.
(all of this is my opinion)
Aug 8, 2018
This is a perfect example of how to kill a decent story by adding too many irrelevant side characters and over complicating the plot to the point where you just don’t give a shit anymore. Too bad, because Raphtalia and Naofumi were pretty interesting characters otherwise.

It’s a joke that this manga is rated 8/10. It’s more like a 5/10.
Double-page supporter
Oct 6, 2018
@D1stanc3 Have you ever consider that Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari's problems that you mention are YOUR problem, a matter of taste, rather than a matter of quality ?
Dex-chan lover
Jun 18, 2018
@Chabert because you get it for free people tend to be more harsh to it. I kinda agree with him to a degree where the whole kinda a villain was more interesting then the current arc. Mostly because stuff about the people who reside on the grey line of morals are rare originally he did reside on the grey line to some extent but no longer does. He is still an edgy boy but he definitely falls under chaotic good at his worst.
Jan 16, 2020
Story has really been all over the place lately.
Like a kid doing their homework 5 minutes before the teacher picks it up.
Lot of BS'ing and pointless rambling to waste space, but not a lot of substance or point.
At this point i'm just reading because it started out good but haven't been seeing hardly any of the original charm it had.
Naofumi used to be clever and independent, now just trudges from place to place following orders.
Raphtalia started out as an interesting heroine, but now just a background character who hits things once in a while.
Princess and the kingdom itself made interesting villains, didn't know who to trust, Raph and MC both had personal stakes and goals to achieve by fighting, now just 1-dimensional generic unhappy mage guy and team of misunderstood heroes from the other world who act like they're bros with MC but not really.
Aug 8, 2018
@Chabert Lmao really? Even at its best moments this was always a pretty average quality action/isekai manga. I know that its not a "matter of taste." I'm pretty sure almost everyone reading this knows that it has always been an objectively pretty shallow, genre typical, cliche type manga. I just wanted to point out that it went from somewhat interesting to boring and unentertaining, poor writing mostly. Judging by the comments here and on the recent chapters I'm not the only one..

The fact that you would even defend such an average manga is weird to me, there is way better shit out there. This is just sort of a time waster manga.
Double-page supporter
Oct 6, 2018
@D1stanc3 So you spitting on it without any arguments, making only a statement is good but me having another opinion is laughable? You are a joke.
You're pretty entitled to think that comments representing but a minority of readers are enough to state that "8/10 is a joke and that it deserves only 5" as if you were some sort of absolute representation of the audience.

Dear Lord, may you forgive me for not knowing that you were the ABSOLUTE opinion everybody should side with no matter what.
IN MY OPINION Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari has its faults but on the overall, it is pretty good. MC has lost its edge when he started to trust the queen but at the same time, it is the natural evolution of the character. He was not meant to remain a self-centred prick. Some story arcs like the Turtle last for too long (still my opinion, remember God of Opinion ?).
At first, I agreed with antagonists being less interesting but thinking about it I disagree now. The King and his daughter had a good setup and their downfall was satisfying! Next antagonists didn't have that connexion but they were still pretty good. That mysterious woman wearing a black kimono was intriguing, the two "otherworlders" were both nice characters and satisfying as an opponent. Curious about how all of this will unfold along with their collaboration with that woman mentioned earlier. (I don't consider the Bishop and other antagonists which died before the king's downfall because they were like mini-bosses. Zarbon & Ginue from Frieza story arc, they were still pretty good opponents).
The plot is still interesting, be it the world's rules which seem to change based on the "player" as well as this otherworld.
There are not so many side characters: The Queen and her daughter, MC's party and the three heroes. They all get their fair share of screentime, appropriate for the development of each.

People here represent but a fraction of the audience. Some of their complaints are true, some of them are a matter of opinion but on the overall, they are not enough to state "It is only worth 5, others must be dumb to give it 8". You are entitled to YOUR rating alone, not others.
Moreover, people are more eager to complain in here rather than praise. Most people enjoy reading it, rate it sometimes then leave.
(Plus, having faults does not mean that it is bad, just that it is perfect so "I say it is worth 5 and no 8, others are wrong because people say it is bad in the comments" it not worth much more than "I'm good at it because my mommy says I am !")
Rather than looking for others "support", what about looking for proper arguments before making fun of people having an opinion that is not yours?

@Sharkexpert12 I agree with your opinion, indeed the main character was somewhere between true neutral & Chaotic Neutral and it was more interesting. But it was a natural progression since the source of its plight and "True Neutral" behaviour has been erased. He changed too fast but still acceptable. The purpose of the story has changed, it is no more about proving Naofumi's innocence or justice, now it is back on its original plot (derailed in the first chapter, worst players / NPC ever 😋) : Understand & Save the world.
I still cannot agree with D1stanc3. He may dislike this manga, he is not entitled to diminish other opinions and force his own. This is very disrespectful to say "You're dumb to be giving it good reviews! My opinion is more important and I say it is barely average!" because it is literally what its comment state. As well as making fun of people having another point of view.
Apr 3, 2019
@D1stanc3 for it being such a bad manga you sure have read pretty far into it. Most people just wouldn't bother to read it if it was as bad as you think it is.

But anyways: hell'uva way to end a story arc, eh?
Aug 8, 2018
@Chabert Yeah I'm not gonna read a three paragraph essay about your opinions on the manga dude. Sum it up in less words or something, I don't really care what you have to say anyway.

@Oakheir I explicitly said multiple times that the manga was average... not really sure where you pulled bad from. I think its been getting bad recently, it was alright before though.
Double-page supporter
Oct 6, 2018
@ D1stanc3
tl ; dr : Who cares about the opinion of a no-name? In what way are you entitled to decide that it is Good, Average or Bad over everybody else?
Reviews from readers gave it 8.10. It is the opinion of the majority, so deal with it.
No argument, just whining because most readers don't share your opinion. Otherwise, it would show in its rating.

Have a nice day.

ps: As for my answer, guess it is complicated to handle arguments.
Aug 8, 2018
@Chabert The opinions of the mostly dumb and ignorant majority are meaningless and also flat out wrong in most cases when relating to manga, books, tv, movies and art in general... People tend to be stupid and have shit taste, that goes double for the average manga reader. I mean seriously, look at all the romcom and childish shounen trash that is so popular and highly touted in the manga community. That should be your first sign people here don't really know what the hell they are talking about. Thats the reason why overall ratings on this manga site and many others are meaningless. You can whine all you want but I know that I'm right about this so I don't really care what you or anyone else has to say. To be honest, this manga is so cliche and mediocre its not even worth debating about. Now that I think about it, thats probably why its so weirdly popular!

Go read some more books or better manga or something, because if this is legitimately an 8/10 for you then I genuinely feel bad that you clearly haven't actually read anything good enough to know better yet. Or maybe your just a kid. I don't know and really don't care.
Feb 2, 2020
The only people who care to comment are those who don't like the Manga. So I'd like to throw my opinion in, which everyone is entitled to. I like this Manga, I like the light novels. I enjoy both in their own ways, it's something to read and its illustrated very nicely. Its not nearly bad as everyone makes it out to be, its not worth dropping and it doesn't harm me to read.
Jan 16, 2020
People are getting so defensive over any criticism. The comment section is for giving opinions not just positive opinions.

"Why are you reading it if you hate it so much"
Because I liked it at the beginning and feel it has gone down hill. I've been coming back less and less occasionally in hopes that they'll recapture some of the original flare this series had. Maybe I'll lose interest and drop completely at some point but who cares.

It suffers from what I call the "Shounen Effect" where it starts off with reasonably interesting drama, characters, development, and a clear motivation then devolves into a generic battle manga where the heroes stop developing, barely speak, and fight another unmemorable villain each week with no clear goal or end in sight because the writers want to just keep it running until people lose interest.

I legitimately can't remember hardly anything that happened in this arc, and i've forced myself to reread a couple times thinking that I must've missed something, but I didn't it's just pages of people talking about nothing, stating the obvious, occasionally hitting something insignificant, and otherwise standing around. Only memorable part was the bird-suit girl talking crap to the villain and attacking, that was the only remotely surprising or interesting thing in who knows how many chapters.
They don't even beat this minor unoriginal villain after all that, just get to reuse him another arc, typical of a crappy Shounen, kind of like how Ash in Pokemon never wins any battle that matters at the end of an arc.

Wasted a bunch of time on the turtle girl who clearly from the beginning
only existed to die, and as expected died.
They could do another series on what a sad, tragic, pointless, existence the writers gave her and it would be much more interesting than this. At this point I think the spear-hero spin-off is much more interesting than this.

A lot of the genre's listed above don't even apply anymore. "Romance", only romance I've seen in this series was Raphtalia and Naofumi and they don't even interact at this point. "Harem", only applied when Melty was in the group, bird-suit girl clearly isn't interested in him and harem is 3 minimum. "Seinen", mainly applied due to the false accusations, revenge, slavery, manipulation, etc. which has all been thrown out the window. At this point it's as much a generic Action Shounen as any. Might as well read Naruto.

If you like Shounen series and battles then you'll probably still love this series, but that wasn't what I started reading it for, wanted something with some depth and character development, that was what it used to draw people in, so it feels like bait and switch when you get generic battle manga.

"It didn't cost anything so you shouldn't criticize it".
Criticism of the writing is unrelated to cost, encourages better writing, and again the comment section exists for a reason.
Mar 23, 2018
When Manga start become a shit..

and Manhwa (Korean) start to get higher and higher...

just like this manga, Started from interesting beginning and then close and closer to garbage..

The MC is still naive as Naruto wannabe, no decision, and i was wondering where is his temperament that i saw in the early chapter..
it feels like all the revenge feeling that build up from the false accusations and how they treated him badly is all wasted (Why wasted? because it didn't fucking make him smart, but only make him more naive, te fuck?).

Well i guess this Manga is only to reach people at 10 years old to 17 years old, yeah where their Naivety still growing.

Remember Kids, Bad people can Kill you, but you can't kill bad people.. it's Against the Law.. ahhaha
just wait and die Kids...
Satan is smilling upon you...

Dex-chan lover
Sep 30, 2018
I dropped this so long ago, when the spear hero and shield hero have to be annihilated by the church. It's so stupid beyond reasoning. But many people make it like awesome scene that so inspiring. I make a comparison with the spin-off spear hero story, that one is more interesting. But still not a good read for me. Sorry, i am just annoyed why many people still reading this manga? It got the top ten

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