The search for 2 titles

Jun 3, 2024
Hello, new here but. I have 2 titteles i am searching for and i just cant remenber what they are called.. The first one is about a guy who looks like a deleqint but has a yandere? Pinkhaired assasin thats in love with is spit, she is not alone however as other girls like her(all named after death gods from diffrent mythology) also start wanting him as his... "liquids" can calm them down, one with a egyptian name likes his sweat another his tears and so on.
Another is a h-doujin about a guy hidding from robot girls thats after people to.. "do the deed with" untilll they cant anymore, he is found by the proto type wjo catching him with other others and after the first time she breaks, but before he can breathe a sigh of releif he finds out she uploaded to one of the other robot girls holfing him down, i think it was in chinese when i read it,

I hope you guys and gals can help me ☺️

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