well to be fair with the first point she's glaring and staring pretty hard. Even a strong man would go out of there way to avoid someone like that. Theres a good reason for the expression "staring daggers".This might be the most unrelateable MC ive ever seen.
- Too intimidated to deal with a tall strong womanto the point that he runs away
- obsessed with V-tubers and throws away money on one
- Refuses to accept monetary compensation for a service he would he providing
- Finds the concept of conversation over lunch to be absurd
What's his fucking problem?
A few months ago it was 100 bucks.Thanks for chapter. But he didn't just gave this vtuber 70 US dollars/ 63 euros/ 55 UK pounds/ 505 chinese Yuan/ 343 brazilian reais? That's so much for a fucking streamer
I legitimately have no idea bro. Maybe it’s a Japanese thing? Even then I can’t imagine a normal sane human being acting like this in real life. Nothing about him really makes sense.This might be the most unrelateable MC ive ever seen.
- Too intimidated to deal with a tall strong womanto the point that he runs away
- obsessed with V-tubers and throws away money on one
- Refuses to accept monetary compensation for a service he would he providing
- Finds the concept of conversation over lunch to be absurd
What's his fucking problem?
Aren’t most v tube fans insane? Seems realistic to me. 😄This might be the most unrelateable MC ive ever seen.
- Too intimidated to deal with a tall strong womanto the point that he runs away
- obsessed with V-tubers and throws away money on one
- Refuses to accept monetary compensation for a service he would he providing
- Finds the concept of conversation over lunch to be absurd
What's his fucking problem?
but sadly and unfortunately it doesn't surprise me...forget vtubers, i'm seeing small/mid-sized youtubers getting couple of hundreds of dollars just by reacting to mangas/animes on a streamThanks for chapter. But he didn't just gave this vtuber 70 US dollars/ 63 euros/ 55 UK pounds/ 505 chinese Yuan/ 343 brazilian reais? That's so much for a fucking streamer
Yeah, pretty much. No matter how I hate it. The blank slate MC tactic is an incredibly cheap, but sadly effective methodI feel like the story would work better if the dude was actually confident and could talk normally so he could help her gain confidence, rather than them both being spastic weirdos.
But I get that he needs to be a bland, flavorless MC so the reader can project onto him, and Lord knows nobody reading this has social skills.
the japenis syndromeThis might be the most unrelateable MC ive ever seen.
- Too intimidated to deal with a tall strong womanto the point that he runs away
- obsessed with V-tubers and throws away money on one
- Refuses to accept monetary compensation for a service he would he providing
- Finds the concept of conversation over lunch to be absurd
What's his fucking problem?