The Strongest Sage with the Weakest Crest

Apr 20, 2019
@Alciel the romance is between the MC and Ruri, but their romance is still in the "admiring one another" stage, which shown very very briefly in few episodes and with a note of comedy to it. The Harem is the fact that his party so far is only consisted of girls.

@Ironclad the demons are bad because from the past (before Matthias reincarnate himself) they are already waging war against humans, and supposedly according to the story, the humans win the war and purged almost all demons, before Matthias' reincarnation. The surviving demons however, slip and blend themselves in human society and purposely spreading false rumors to weaken humanity so they can take revenge (false info on Marks, false info on chanting, false info on enchantments, etc). Matthias, being reincarnated with all of his knowledge into a timeline where all humans are now far weaker, is only normal to be regarded as superhuman by this timeline's humans.

Imagine him being already the strongest magician before his reincarnation having 200 power and other mages being 150~180 power, but then after his reincarnation with his fourth mark he become 400 power but everyone else regress to the point of 50 power (caused by the demon's planting false info).

And now that Matthias and everyone realized that the demons have been spreading falsified info to weaken the humans, he proceed to purge the remaining demons that is trying to overthrown humans for purging them in the past. But he's not doing it in one sweep because he wants to take advantage about the fact that the demons are still underestimating the humans (iirc).

Those are explained at early episodes.

Also for those that doesn't like the fact that the MC is overpowered having no consequences, well story-wise, it is only normal that he is like this. In previous timeline, he is at 200 power (these are just imaginary numbers to make it easier to compare) other humans are at 150~180 and the demons are at 140~170. In current timeline, he is at 400 (doubled because now he has combat-focused Fourth Mark) other humans are at 30~60 and demons are at 140~170.

Sorry for the wall of text :p
Dex-chan lover
Mar 5, 2019
I'm sure someone must've mentioned this already but consider how "strong" these demons were compared to the humans even after Gaia's training, how can human civilization even exist for him to reincarnate into 5000 years later in the current era?

These demons could've easily conquered the humans in their current state, say 100 years before Gaia's reincarnation and either wiped out the humans completely or kept them on the verge of extinction as a measure of control. There wouldn't be no magic academy, noble families or any of this crap.

This is the Iron-Man syndrome where all this world altering disaster crap just happens to to occur AFTER our hero's emerged and able to stop them even though they're no more or less likely to happen on any other day and had the hero not been born yet he would never have the chance to..
Jul 31, 2018
@Lightbrand gaia mentioned that humans obliterated every single of them and make them extinct because they're annoying, but not really, some of them survived. and gaia also mentioned that demon birthrate is so slow so maybe 5000 years later they just happened to have just enough army to actually start conquering? they're actually sent some spy to human's society but nobody knows except that gaia has already reincarnated at that time and blow their cover, so they just attack in response and execute the plan?

actually, there're too many plothole but it can be easily shrugged off since this manga is literally smug face all over the mc. i don't know how anyone would argue about the plot when the entire story is just about the smugness of the mc
Aug 4, 2018
To be perfectly honest, this has two things going for it.

1. The premise is interesting
2. The art is decent.

However, it is also the epitome of how to NOT tell a story. 90% of the MC's dialogue either shoves exposition down your throat, or is explaining how everything has devolved. All the characters are one dimensional, and every time the MC plays with his fucking hair, I want to smack him.
Aug 2, 2018
Was starting to lose interest, but that dragon girl is just too adorable. Every single time she's in panel she's just pure gold.
Oct 4, 2018
🤣i feel sorry for them because those idiot will die..hahaha
they think he is the weakest but he is the leader and their teacher and a great sage who reincarnated do you think you can capture him what a funny joke lol..!🤣🤣🤣

lord bandit: we have your leader surender and follow us..!
girl 1: oh no poor guy he will die in 10 sec..!
girl 2: nah! he will die in 5sec...!
dragon girl: haha i think he already dead look at him he already pissed..!!!
bandit : you bitch..!i m gone fucking killlllll him..!
mathiahs : lift a finger and all dead..! weakling sure have guts haa you messed with the wrong where is your lord ..!
Jun 27, 2018
much like every other overly cliche isekai manga i drop after 20 chapters, im sure this series will also receive a huge budget anime adaptation in 2 years
Feb 11, 2018
the mc has shown multiple times that he is basically a god among men but everyone acts surprised 24/7
not sure how much longer they can reuse the same cliche joke
also for some reason a dragon transforms into a clumsy waifubait 13 year old girl
Dec 10, 2018
taking someone like saitama as hostage ... ok good luck..
@Mathias : superman still probably can because he has krypton weakness, just bring a lot of krypton to capture him even batman can beat him.
Jan 20, 2018
Pretty standard reincarnation manga, MC is OP, always knows the answer to every scenario, builds a harem, and very enjoyable to binge. I would say that it's better than most because the art is fantastic.
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 5, 2018
@Pavlovena That doesn't always help. Last time I remember Lex Luthor try to use his power armor and 6 big kryptonite crystals to try and defeat Superman, Supes simple traveled at the speed of lightning(not light because he'd disintegrate Lex instead), one puched his power armor, and sent Lex to the hospital before the Kryptonite had enough time to work. By the time the Kryptonite affected him there was already no danger in sight and most of the crystals were buried under rubble so he only got a light poisoning. People seriously understimates what it really means to have super speed. That's the reason why even Batman recognizes that if Superman became evil and wanted to kill him for real, there simply wouldn't be any plan that could save him. So yeah, it's the same situation as Mathias.
Well, at least Darkside exists in DC that can defeat and capture Superman, and I suppose a Green Lantern could replicate a Kryptonite, and unlike Batman also use superspeed to dodge Superman long enough for it's radiation to work.
We need something like this, here. Then Mathias could finally have some difficulty.
Sep 9, 2019
this manga gets harder to read as it goes along. I enjoyed it, but I'm sick of cringing at every "subjugation completed." the arts great but you're losing me on the story.
Active member
Sep 4, 2019
Unfortunately this one is very mediocre. Just good enough to keep me reading, but not good enough to get me even remotely excited.
And I sure hope the author stops using the "subjugation completed" slogen...
Active member
Jun 1, 2018
MC is cringe but if you just wanna a fun read. this is ok. dont think much about it

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